One Night Stand 5

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She stands there, eyes wide and lips parted as my confession sinks into her. How could she look so stunned at my confession? She has to know from the very start how fucking crazy I am for her. Since that night months ago in this pub, I've been in love with her. Hook, line and fucking sinker. She surely knows this by now.

"I love you, Jo. How can you not see that?" I ask, my desperation very evident in my voice.

She just stands there, still as a mannequin and I'm growing very uncomfortable under her gaze. She must think I'm insane for saying all these things to her like this-out in the street of London in the middle of the night with strangers walking past and around us.

I still can't fucking wrap my head around the fact that she's actually here, right in front of me in bloody London. The number of texts I've sent her, the number of times I've attempted to call her only to be directed to her voicemail, the number of hours I've torturously endured waiting for her to answer me whilst stalking her socials just to get any news of where she was or how she's doing. I can't even fucking describe how I felt when I saw Alex's story and hearing her laugh in the background. I instantly knew it was hers even before Katherine mentioned her name and within minutes I am out of my flat and getting into a cab to come see my girl who's obviously ghosting me.

I don't understand her. I don't understand why she would do this to me. We were great back in Atlanta and then filming wrapped and it's like she's completely ignored me. Like I don't even matter to her... my feelings don't bloody matter to her. That shit hurts, I tell you. And now I just practically screamed out loud the fact that I love her and she's silent.

Please say something for fuck's sake!

I finally break eye contact and cast my head down in defeat. What more can I say or do at this point? Nothing. I can't exactly force her to feel the same way as I do, can I? She came to London without telling me, surely that means she doesn't want my company... not anymore anyways. I remember how much she liked me being with her all the time when we were back in Atlanta. I guess now that filming's done, she no longer wants to associate herself with me. I mean yeah, obviously she's way out of my league. Just fucking look at her. She's so gorgeous and kind and talented and smart and witty and feisty and literally everything a guy would ever want in a woman. Fuck do I want her so bad.

"Hero, did you hear what I said?" Jo's sweet accented voice forces me out of my thoughts.

"No but if it's a rejection then I don't want to hear it, Jo. I'm just gonna go or whatever," I mumble, scratching the back of my ear in unease as I turn to leave. My shoulders slump and I don't want to remain standing here like a pathetic wanker who just got rejected by the only girl I love.

"I said... would you like to walk me back to my hotel room?"

Her statement catches me off guard and I stupidly whip back to face a smirking Josephine with her eyes wide and dancing with mirth. Did I hear that correctly? She wants me to walk her back-what the fuck does that mean? What does she mean by that? Surely she meant-

She surprises me once again and she closes the space between us and takes my hand in hers, intertwining her tiny fingers with my long ones. The way my hand swallows hers feels so familiar and a calmness washes over me, quieting my racing mind. She tugs at me so I'm following closely behind her until we're entering the same hotel she stayed at the first time I met her. She squeezes my hand as we stand by the lift, waiting for the doors to open together with a small family of three with their little lad making heart eyes at Josephine.

See? Even prepubescent boys can't help but fall for her in an instant. That's just how perfectly amazing she is.

"Stop it," she giggles, swatting my arm with her free hand when she notices me giving the boy a dirty look for gawking at my girl.

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