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After the so called engagement..I was still fuming with anger...I don't know why but I was very angry...mostly at that bitch..After whatever she had done with me..she still had the audacity to say yes for marriage and that too on my face...she was exactly like her father...a con woman and a gold digger...

She slept with that Bastard Nikhil and yet wants to marry me...what is there in the world that money cannot do afterall...I thought to myself and took a sip of my drink...

Constantly after coming back from the engagement my mood was fucking pissed off...I don't know why but my anger was about to rise... whatever anyone was doing was making me angry....And on top of it I wasn't able to get the image of Rohan looking at Araisha out of my head...

Can he betray me too...that was the fucking question...he was affected by Araisha...he had to be..she was fucking beautiful... I was pondering over the same when the door to my office opened..."Bhai come everyone is calling you for the haldi ceremony....we have to send Araisha haldi too..."..Sejal said..."call Rohan first...I want to have a word with him..."I told her...she nodded and went out...

"What's it brother...see everyone's waiting for you downstairs..."Rohan said while entering my office..."You know I trust you right..."I told him...he looked taken back..."what's wrong Kabir..."he asked me..."nothing Rohan..you are intelligent enough...I am going to marry Araisha day after tomorrow...I hope you remember..."I told him gulping down my drink...

"Listen dude..I am more than happy seeing you settling down...and Araisha is really beautiful Kabir...but trust me I won't betray you...I was just taken back looking at her...but you don't need to worry...I know she Is yours...I know something happened between you both...but you don't need to tell me...I won't ever cross my limits..."Rohan said and I got up..."I think so too Rohan.."..I told him patting his shoulder and went downstairs for the ceremony...

Sejal and Anusha were both looking crazy enough to bring the whole roof down

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Sejal and Anusha were both looking crazy enough to bring the whole roof down...everyone made me look like a fucking monkey applying the yellow thing all over my face..."what the fuck is wrong with you...stop this wreck..."..I told both of them...they laughed and applied more... ofcourse..what are sisters for..I thought to myself and rolled my eyes..."hurry up didi.. we'll go to Araisha's place as well...Mumma told us to take haldi to Araisha's place as well..."Sejal told me again..

"I've heard you once Sejal...no need to repeat it...and won't mom go with you..."..I asked her..."Why should I go...did you ask me before saying yes for marriage..."..Mom said and went away...should have known...I thought to myself and smirked...

"Tomorrow we'll have mehendi at our place too...it would be so much fun...I am so excited our only brother is getting married..."Anusha said..."I have to go for a bath as I would be meeting Adiv at the club...Rohan would be going with me...do whatever you want to do...just don't irritate the hell out of me..."..I told both of them and went for a bath...I mean I had buisness to take care of at the club...

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