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I went to my room and tried sleeping after hearing whatever he said to me

And I thought that maybe he is changing..I thought and laughed a bitter laugh....

Twisting and turning the whole night....I just wanted all this to end....

I called Rose the next day to take care of matters

As bad as Kabir treats me...I have to get over it and deal with urgent matters I decided and called her

"Hello"..she said..."Rose will you come with me...I have to meet her"...I told her...

"Oh yes I remember...we had a talk yesterday...I'll come and pick you up in an hour...is it fine..?.."she asked me...

"No..I'll call you..I have to make breakfast for Kabir...he has gone to the gym right now....meet me at the coffee shop at 10 am.."..I told her

After she agreed, I ended the call...sighing deeply...I got up and went for a bath

After getting ready I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for him

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After getting ready I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for him...Kabir came down and started having breakfast

"Hii..you'll have black coffee..?"..I asked him while he was having breakfast..

"I always have black coffee..."he said and again looked at his phone...

"I have to go somewhere...at what time will you come home in the evening...will you pick me up from Rose's place..and what would you like to have for dinner?.."...I asked him..

"Why..you can't come back on your own...or want to make me your personal chauffeur..?..I am not in the mood of stupid fucking conversations...I told you something yesterday...didn't I..."..he said dropping his spoon in the plate loudly and shouting on me...

"Kabir you yourself said to talk to you if I need anything... that's why I asked..."..I told him slowly...

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