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A week has passed on since Kabir has started having food at home...and I am more than happy that he is having food...

But does that means that he has went on to become a sweet and caring husband....

The answer is no.

Kabir constantly reminds me that I should not expect anything from this marriage...and frankly even I don't want anything from him...I am happy as I am...

Lier...my heart whispered...

The truth was...even I dream of love...will I ever find it...

Also another dread is taking place in my heart...my mother doesn't sounds well enough on phone...whenever I try to visit her...she asks me not to come...saying papa is there...I don't know what to do...

"And then we decided to go on a vacation to Australia...I have asked Mark to apply for a month long leave from the hospital...isn't it good..."..Rose asked me...

"Yeah...perfect.."..I replied...not really paying attention to whatever she was saying....my mind being occupied on someone else....

"Yeah..shut up...you didn't even listen...and you know..you can share anything with me....I am always there for you..."..Rose said...

"Everything's fine...I'm just worried about mumma...she has been sounding very weak these days...her voice...I sense something is wrong...and papa is also living with her...something is wrong..."..I tell her...

"Why don't you visit her...you can check..."...Rose said...

"I did try...I even went home...her nurse came and said mumma doesn't wants to see me...I tried so hard so she let me enter...and I saw she was sleeping..."..I told her...

"Yaa..so she is fine...what's to worry..."...Rose asked me munching on her biscuit..

"Rose...mumma never sleeps in the afternoon...and at night too...she has trouble sleeping...I know everything about my mother... something is wrong...I knew her calling papa back to our lives will lead to something like this..."...I told her wiping the tear that escaped...

"Hey... don't cry...let us call Mark... he'll arrange for an appointment...I'll tell Mark to tell your father to bring aunty for the routine check...he would listen to Mark...he is aunty's doctor after all...."..Rose said....

We called Mark and he agreed to call Mumma tomorrow...but what he said shocked the life out of me...

My mother was missing her appointments..."Why didn't you just tell me Mark...and mumma too...she never mentioned it to me... neither her nurse... what's going on here...."..I asked him angrily...

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