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I am not myself anymore....Araisha and Nikhil have totally fucked with my brains....my heart is into a thousand little pieces...I and dad reached home....dad told everyone about Araisha..."Thank god we got to know about her before Kabir got married to her....Are you fine son....I am so sorry to hear this...you loved her and she broke your heart..."mom said hugging me...."Mom leave me...I have to work...dad arrange the meeting for tomorrow...I am going to ruin them.."I told them and went to my office....

I sat down on my desk and covered my face with my hands....what just happened today and why did it happen....I wanted to ask so many questions to Araisha...if she didn't love me...she just had to say....here I was building castles in the air and imagining to get married to her....what a bloody fool I had been to love her....what a Bloody fool....I loved her...I loved her so damn much....my heart was aching so badly...tears filled my eyes just thinking about earlier...but I won't be weak...Araisha made her fucking choice....Now I would definitely take revenge on Nikhil....

I trusted Nikhil so damn much....I considered him to be my brother...he betrayed me in the worst way possible....my father was always right about him...he is a bastard...I feel so broken currently...betrayed by my love and my best friend... Nothing turned out as I wanted it to....I just wanted a simple life with the girl I loved and got betrayed by her....I trusted my best friend and got stabbed in my back....but no more now...I'll show Nikhil who he fucked with....

Nikhil's father's company was almost finished....he is relying on the Finland contract so that his company could establish again...I would never fucking let that happen...I opened my laptop and started working...if Nikhil's father doesn't gets the Finland contract he would be forced to sell his company..due to the loans....i know that he had taken a loan of 70 crores from a bank and was unable to pay it back...if he doesn't pays it tomorrow his company would get auctioned....I smirked...I would buy his father's company and get it under Khurana Industries...I'll bring both his father and Nikhil on the roads.....I promised to myself and started working again....

The next day I and dad reached office for the meeting....Nikhil and his father were already sitting there...They both looked at us and his father smirked....way to go...I would love to see the smirk on his face when I get the contract...I thought to myself....the bid started at 20 crores.... Nikhil's father being full of confidence opted for 40 Crores....no one bid more than that...."45 crores..."I shouted and saw Nikhil and his father looking at me..."48 crores..."Nikhil's father bid...."50 crores..."I said...."51 crores..."Nikhil's father said and looked tensed....the fucker had only this much to offer....his balance is over....I thought and smirked...."55 crores..."I shouted and relaxed in my seat...look clearly who the boss is now bastards...."the deal goes to Khurana Industries...."it was announced...

I smirked sitting in my seat and saw Nikhil's father face red in anger...I saw Nikhil looking at me with a expression full of hatred...I smirked....dad patted my shoulder..."Congratulations son...this deal will establish us in the international market as well..."dad said and I hugged him..."wait dad it's not over now...."I told him..."what do you mean..."dad asked looking at me with confusion....

"Don't the Chopra's have to pay the loan amount today....I thought it was scheduled after the bid for Finland contract...."I said and relaxed again...."Yes Mr.Rakesh Chopra...today you had to pay the loan amount of 70 crores as you promised in court....if you fail to do...your company would be auctioned...."The bank manager said...."I don't have much money....I was going to win the Finland contract and then pay the loan...."Nikhil's father said sipping water...."No Mr.Chopra...if you couldn't pay the amount...your company is going to be auctioned....so give us the final answer....are you paying our debt back or not...."the bank manager said.....

"Please give me some more time...I promise I'll arrange funds..."Nikhil's father said....Nikhil continued looking at me with Hatred...I smirked....the bank manager sighed and took out a contract from his file..."sign here...or I would get you arrested..."he said...."No...please wait...I'm his son...I guarantee you we'll return you the loan amount in a few days...please..."Nikhil tried to say...."please sign Mr.Chopra...or I'll call the cops..."the manager said....with shaking hands... Nikhil's father signed the contract...."your company doesn't belongs to you now...the bank would auction it..."the manager said and got up...."dad...go and talk to him about us buying this company..."I whispered in dad's ear....he nodded and asked the bank manager to come with him...and went out...

"You fucker...how can you fucking do this with us...."Nikhil shouted and came towards me...."Just learnt from the best you bastard...."I told him and got up...smiling...."You knew...didn't you...how much we needed this contract...."Nikhil said standing near me...we were face to face...."You and your father must know how it feels to have things so close by and then taken away....I got both of you on roads...and you deserve it fucker....You should know how it feels to be betrayed by someone you think was yours...."I told him....

"Ohh..you have an ego problem...don't you Kabir...I liked Araisha too...were you not able to get this in your head....it damaged your ego that she chose me over you...."he said and fuck..I lost it...I punched him hard on his face....I kept on Punching him again and again....he tried fighting me but I was too strong....blood came out of his nose and his face was all bruised...it gave me a sense of satisfaction to see him in hurt and suffering....

"don't...don't you fucking get her into this...I have left her....broken the marriage... that's the best revenge on her...she will bloody face her own Karma...and you bastard...I thought you were my friend...my brother....you knew I loved her still you slept with her.....I have ruined you and your father both....don't you dare come near me or my family from now on...don't you dare fuck with me again....and I don't care about Araisha too...it doesn't matters to me from today...you can go and marry her....you can do whatever with her....I don't give a damn fuck....do you get my point...and don't bloody consider this as a joke...I'll kill you if you'll try to hurt me or my family....bastard..."I told him and got up and exited the meeting room....

Dad came to me..."what's wrong with your hand..."he asked me...."did you talk to the manager dad..."I asked him ignoring the question about my hand...."yes...they will organise an auction on Sunday.... we'll get the company don't worry...."he said and looked at me....I nodded....Finally I took my revenge on Nikhil....it gives me immense satisfaction seeing him and his father broken....they get what they deserve....I thought and smirked....


Hii everyone...how are you all...hope you're all safe ♥️😍

Kabir has brought Nikhil's father's company....what do you guys think about this....😊😊😊🤭🤭🤭

Do comment and share your thoughts...also hit the star button if you liked the chapter....😊😊❤️❤️

The flashback is going to be over in a few more chapters...(probably less chapters then you think...)🤣🤣😅😅😂😂😂

Hit the star if you liked the chapter and also follow me if you haven't...🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

Till next time...take care ♥️😍

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