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I was in my store completing some designs when I got a call from my mother's nurse...she had fallen down the stairs...

I rushed to the hospital and only took a sigh of relief when I saw her....mumma was looking so frail and weak lying on the hospital bed...it broke my heart...she was still unconscious due to the heavy medications...tears rolled down my eyes seeing my mother....

"Rashuu you don't need to cry....aunty is fine now...see...she is sleeping...get a grip darling...here have some water...."...Rose said...I hugged her... except of mumma...Rose was always there for me..."Thank you so much Rose for always being with me...."...I told her between sobs...."Shutup...she is like my mother too..."she said....

After sometime....the nurse informed us that mumma was awake....I and Rose went to see her...."Mumma..are you fine...."..I asked...she just nodded plainly...."are you in pain aunty..."..Rose asked..."The pain is somewhere else...I miss your father...I want to see him...."..mumma whispered....

Shivers ran down my spine...why is mumma thinking about him at this point of time...my knees buckled...."Mumma...what are you saying..."I whispered..Rose squeezed my hand gently...thank god for her..."I just want to see him once before I die Araisha...I haven't heard from him anything in six years...."mumma said....

"Aunty niether has he contacted you or Araisha...please don't strain yourself...you don't need to think much..just rest and then you'll be fine as before..."Rose said.....

"Why don't you forget about him Araisha...tell me....is love easy to forget..."mumma whispered..my hands shook...she was talking about Kabir...."Mumma I don't know whom you're talking about..."..I told her so that she would change the topic..."you know well enough who I am talking about...why haven't you married someone else if you've forgotten about Kabir...I want grandkids before I die....I want to see your father...I want to be with him....is it too much to ask..."..mumma whispered....I stayed quiet but tears filled my eyes....

"Mumma please rest... we'll talk about this when you are better..."I said..."he called....you know...I didn't pick up his phone....but I want to talk to him...I atleast want to know how is he....I am done with people controlling my life...."mumma whispered and then closed her eyes...I kissed her forehead and me and Rose came out of the room....

My hands were still shaking..."you're fine...maybe aunty is getting emotional right now...you don't need to worry...she is going to be fine..."Rose said and kissed my cheek....."Rose...if papa will come back...he will do something big...I know he will...he said that it's not over...."I said and gulped....

"He won't be back Araisha....he doesn't has a reason to...he doesn't cares about Aunty or you to return...don't stress yourself...and don't think about the worst...you were alone that time...now I,Mark and aunty are with you....he won't be able to do anything to you....be a optimist in life....now come on...let's go out for a stroll....aunty is sleeping right now... we'll come back soon...."Rose said and hugged me....

I so want it to be true....I hope nothing is going to be wrong...I just want things to be peaceful again....I closed my eyes and gulped...please god..help me....don't let something wrong happen with me or my mother....but...why was my heart pounding like something is going to be bad...?


I was in my office discussing things with my friend Adiv...who also worked for me....."I am telling you someone is fucking following me....wherever I go...I feel someone is behind me... something is wrong..."I told him....

"Kabir...you don't need to worry...maybe some stupid paparazzi is following you...you're the most sought after bachelor currently...don't worry....you're over thinking this....will you go to the club today...?.."..Adiv asked...

"Yes...I would...but you can't...your wife would kill me first and then you..."..I told him smirking and Adiv rolled his eyes....He was married to Ritika...and had two kids....

"You're lucky...you aren't married...how I wish my independent days....going anywhere...girls...hookups..."...he said and I chuckled..."Not for more days...mom and dad are after my life...they want grandkids...."...I told him huffing...."today also they ate my mind off nagging about kids....hell I don't ever want kids..."..I told him and started working on my laptop....this new Bangalore project was fucking my brains off...last night I didn't sleep at all....was working till late...I didn't even go to the club...work was too important for me than these random hook ups at the club...

"You know what Kabir...I don't know what happened earlier in your life....but I think you should give yourself a chance....kids and a wife make your life beautiful....just try once....it won't hurt...."Adiv said..."did you prepare the finances..."..I asked him changing the topic....

"I did...wait...check this file...it has all the details...I prepared it myself..."..he said...."..God I need a fucking drink...I'm too sober for work..."I said in an irritated voice...hell I was irritated with these bloody finances...."it's fine...wait I'll get it..."Adiv said and got up...bringing both of us drinks...

We were drinking and discussing about the project when my office phone rang...it was my secretary..."What is it..."I asked her..."Sir someone is here to meet you...says there is something important to discuss..."...She said..."I don't have time to waste...tell them to take an appointment and then come...do I have to teach you everything..."..I told her irritated...these fucking accounts...."Sir...the person wants only two minutes...says you won't regret....says wants to mend things up...."..she says...I sighed...Adiv asked me to call whoever the person was in...."two fucking minutes...that's all I have...send the client in and come and ask me about my meeting after two minutes..so that I can send the fucking person away and concentrate on my work...."I told her and ended the call....

"Who the fuck wants to mend things with me...better not be a random hook up...I will loose my fucking mind...."..I told Adiv and sighed..."I have to go and prepare some reports...call me when you're free...."..Adiv said and left the office....

I was drinking scotch and checking the Bangalore file when the door to my office opened....I saw the person and all I saw was red....it made me so angry....so fucking angry....after all these years....my fists were clenched so tightly....I don't think blood supply was taking place in my body.....I hit my fist loudly on the desk of my office...."What the Fuck do you think you're doing here you bastard...."..I shouted and looked at the person with murderous look in my eyes....


Hii everyone..how are you all..hope you are all safe ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Now....who do you all think came to meet Kabir...😌😌😌😓😓😓😓😓🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🥺🥺🥺 things are going to be so much interesting so soooonnnn💕💕😌❤️❤️

Cliffhanger...lol...don't hate me please💓💓💓💓💓💓🙈🙈🙈🙈😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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Till next time...take care❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕

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