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Hello everyone..!!

Welcome to my SECOND BOOK on Wattpad❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐

I hope you all will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it💐🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🙈♥️♥️

Also..please show your love by writing, commenting and following me😊😊😊😊





Andddd...a last thing...PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK...🙈🙈🙈🙈




6 years ago...

"Dad no...I'm not getting married anytime soon..I don't want to be tied up...I'm so young..."...I told my father trying to convince him to not marry me..

"Kabir shutup..this is my home and I take decisions...you're not a young boy..you're 22..when I was your age I was already married...and you can just like the girl..I'm not marrying you currently...we could wait for some years till you are settled..."..My father said..

"But Dad I'm not you and in no hell I'm going to marry anytime soon..do you get my point..First get Anusha married and then we also have to get Sejal married...but not me dad..I'm a phoenix... roaming in the blue sky is what I want...a phoenix never wants to get captured..."..I told him with a haughty attitude...

"I'll die someday then you'll be happy... Anusha is just a year older than you.. we'll look for a groom for her simultaneously...Sejal is 20 presently and in college...and just meet the girl once...Verma ji knows her father..she is 18 and very beautiful from what I've heard...just meet her once for mine and your mother's sake..."dad said and I nodded...

she can be as beautiful as she wants but my answer is a no...I thought and smirked..."Okay dad..just meeting..right..you'll not force"....."yes son..only meeting today..now go and rest.. we'll go in the evening..."dad said and patted my head...


"Girl..."my dad shouted..God I hated him...he can't even call me by my name...."Yes Papa"..I said..."Go and call your mother..I have to tell something important to both of you..."he said and I nodded...

Minutes later he was sitting infront of me and my mom.."A boy is coming to look at you..I have decided to get you married...I want you to go away from here since you are already 18..."he said casually like he was talking about a commodity and not my damn life..

"Satish she is too young..."mom tried to say..."Did I ask for your opinion bitch..only I know how it feels to live with two women who I hate the most..you and your filthy daughter are just useless...you both are whores....and this is my home and I take decisions.."he said coming near to my mom to slap her...

I came in between..."Papa no please...I want to go to college and study"...I told him...he slapped me hard and gripped my hair..."I will kill you and your mother if you'll defy me.. understood...you don't mean anything to me and I'm not going to spend my hard earned money on you..."he said...

He got up and went towards mom.."Okay papa..okay I'll marry whoever you want..please leave mumma"...I told him shivering...God..I hated my father..."Good...now go and get ready.. they'll Come in the evening and remember one mistake and your mother is gone..."he said...I nodded.....

My father can be worse...never has he looked at me with love and never he calls me by my name...he raises his hands on me and my mom whenever he feels like...we both know he is having an affair outside and comes home frequently..."Mom..why didn't you just leave him"..I asked her..."because I love him Araisha..."mom said...I gulped...I hope that the boy rejects me....


Hii everyone...☺️☺️how did you like the chapter..please give your opinions...also please like...it takes a second to hit on that star⭐☺️🙈🙈

Also this is a journey and will be a lengthy book like my previous one☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

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