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3 days...3 days have gone by and I am waiting for Kabir's phone call....his family has still not informed us about the proposal...

I have no idea wheather he likes me or not...did he not like me...but he gave me a nickname...and nicknames are given to people you like or love...I was thinking...

Maybe. just maybe his parents didn't like me.. but both his parents were looking at me so sweetly...maybe his friend...yes his friend didn't like me...I saw him whispering something in Kabir's ears...what was his name.. Sunil? Or Naman...Uhhhhhh...whatever hell...I thought...

Papa was more than annoyed with waiting...he was irritated with me and for no reason smacked me yesterday night..."useless piece of Shit.."he said to me...

I seriously can't wait to get out of here...I'll talk to Kabir and ask him if my mother could stay with us...But for that he needs to call and confirm...I was so scared...He is the one and only boy I have loved...

Will my love story end before starting...I thought and a tear escaped from my eyes...


It had been 3 days since I had slept properly... Whenever my eyes closed Araisha's face came up and I started to smile goofily...

I thought about her every single second of the day.....dad had gone for a buisness trip and said that he will give his answer to the Sharma's when he will return..Finally he was coming back tomorrow morning...

and my answer is already a yes...I thought and smiled...

We were all having breakfast in the morning..."So Kabir tell us..Do you like that girl or not...we have to call them and give them an answer..."..Dad said...

"Her name is Araisha dad"..I told him and saw my sisters and parents looking at me and laughing....What the hell..I thought...

"ooohhh..someone's in love now..."Anusha said...I threw a piece of bread at her..."Mind your own buisness shorty"..I told her..

"I really like Araisha.."my mother said...I put on a unaffected face when I wanted to smile..."We have already got Kabir's answer...so I'll call Mr.Sharma and inform him..."Dad said and we continued having breakfast...Finally...I thought and smirked...


"Yes..Yes..okay..sure..Yes yes..sir..she is yours..I am very happy...Yes sir..she likes Kabir...okay sir..Thank you..."my father was talking on the phone and I was looking at him curiously...

it was Kabir's father's phone...please please say a yes and take me away from here...I thought...

"The Khurana's called...they said a yes...Girl..I don't want you to mess this up..I am warning you.."my father said and walked out..

.I shouted on the top of my lungs... Finally...Kabir said yes...that means he likes me....I yelled and did a silly dance..."Control yourself Stupid girl.."my mother said laughing seeing me dance..."Mumma he said yes...he said yes for marriage"...I told her and hugged her...

"Someone is in love.."my mother said and I blushed..."No no...I mean no..I am just happy...papa wanted that to happen..right"..I told her..

."I am your mother...I know you darling...you are in love with him..."my mom said..."I have work to do".... I told her and ran to my room...dancing and squealing....my love said yes after all...

I was washing dishes and humming a song when my mom called me..."Araisha there is a call for you.."mom said...

"Who is there"..I asked her..."see for yourself buttercup.."my mom said smiling and I blushed a hundred shades of red...Kabir...Kabir called me...my heart stopped beating...Kabir called me...With shaking hands and a wild heart I answered the call...

"Hello"..I said..."Hello Buttercup..."Kabir said the butterflies overpowered my head..."Hi Kabir"...I told him in a shaky voice...I need a grip..

"Did you miss me buttercup..."he said...missed him..I thought about you every single second of the day..."Yes Kabir I did miss you"...I replied without thinking about it...crap.. shouldn't have told him..."I missed you too..how are you..."he said..."I am fine..."

"Kabir are you going to judge me that I confessed I missed you"...i asked him because I couldn't control my stupid tongue...

"Why would I judge you buttercup...I am so happy you missed me...that means you like me....hmmmm..."he said...No idiot I love you...I wanted to say...I just said a shaky yes...he laughed at the phone...I love his laugh...I thought to myself...

"Araisha your papa is here..."mom said..."Kabir I need to go I'll call you back later...bye"..I said and kept the phone.. without hearing a reply....I went and lay down on my bed with a silly smile on my face...love is so cute...I thought and blushed...


Hii everyone...how are you all and how did you like the chapter...🙈🙈🙈

So it's a yes from both sides....hmmm..🙈🙈😂😂😂

Do like and comment about your thoughts...and enjoy reading❤️🙈🙈🙈🙈

And....we have a new cover...how did you guys like this one???🙈🙈🌠

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