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Me and Araisha barely talked to each other after our argument again

I was busy in my office and rarely pondered about her

But a sweep of emotions hit me as soon as I entered home

I only observed her when she used to go to the store and now she has stopped going there too...and when I came back from office...she was as good as not being there as she was always locked away

She had lost a considerable amount of weight and was looking very weak to me...but i didn't ask her anything about it

She was the one who threw it on my face when i asked her about her wellbeing

"You don't trust me..so why even talk to me...you asked me to stay away from you...so why are you coming near me..talking to me..."...she said and fuck...my mind blasted

She wants me to fucking apologize to her...but did she apologize to me...??

Already I was extremely disturbed...and thanks to my father i was still keeping quiet...

That bastard Abhinav was stealing again...he tried selling the blueprints of my new project to the rival company....

And the rival company contacted me directly warning about him...citing it as a healthy competition...

What the fuck is this competition about..that bastard Abhinav is ripping my fucking company apart but my father persists to keep him...

Already I am angry at Maasi for whatever she did with Araisha...i am a difficult man...i keep grudges for a lifetime...

And today my anger was not having any bounds knowing about that bastard stealing...

I was fuming when Anusha called me....

"What.."..i answered closing my eyes tightly...

It took everything in me to not go to that motherfucker and beat the shit out of him...

"Mom and dad are calling you and Araisha for dinner today...Abhinav and his wife Riya would be there too... probably maasi would leave with them..."...she was blabbering when i cut her off

"Araisha won't come..don't you fucking remember what maasi did the last time...i will come i have to talk to dad about something..."..i told her

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