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"What the fuck do you think you're doing here you bastard..."...I shouted on Satish Sharma...who was standing infront of me in my office...My hands were clenched so tightly...blood supply wasn't taking place in my body....I banged my fist loudly on the desk and stared at him with bubbling anger in my eyes...fuck I was so angry that I was taking deep breaths....

"Listen to me once...just once Kabir Ji...I swear you won't regret it..."..he said and that was my breaking point...I came from the backside of my desk and grabbed him by his collar...."You bastard..how dare you show your face after everything you and your filthy daughter had put me and my family into...how the fuck did you have the audacity to show your face to me...."..I told him grabbing his neck.....

"It's about Araisha...I have a deal...."he said in broken words...I grabbed his neck until he was gagging and his face was all red...he coughed and held the corner of the desk...good...that bastard deserved it...."What about Araisha...has she bloody died...because last time I remember I told her I don't care if she is alive or dead....or did that bastard Nikhil divorce her...Anyway I don't care...get the fuck out of my office if you want to live...cause you know me...don't you...."...I told him coming near his face.....

"Sir..you have a meeting...you asked me to remind you..."..My secretary Naisha said peeking from the door of my office..."She isn't married...that slu...I mean Araisha isn't married..she didn't marry your friend..listen to me once sir...just once...I swear you won't regret it...I want to fix things up...."he said....I huffed...there was no harm in listening to the bastard...was there..?

I turned to Naisha..."cancel all my appointments until my meeting with this man is concluded...do you get my point...now go and do your work...."..I told her...she nodded and went away...I turned to Araisha's father..."I am just going to listen to you because I want to....there is no obligation....and I am really interested to know about what deal you are talking about...I don't trust you or your filthy daughter at all...do you get my point...now fucking start talking...I don't have the whole damn day....."..I said and sat on my chair keeping my feet on the desk...


That fucking bastard Kabir almost killed me...my neck still pained...and look at his audacity....he kept his legs on the desk...near my face...I will see to it....I will fucking take away his everything with what I have planned...my buisness was close to drowning....and I knew how much the bastard liked my whore of a daughter...I will use her....I know my wife's death is nearby....what better chance...I thought and smirked...and Khurana's were the leading industrialists currently...and frankly speaking...I have no other option other than Kabir...I have to convince him to save my drowning company....

"You're fucking going to open your mouth today...."he shouted...bloody temper on young boys..I thought and rolled my eyes..."Araisha didn't marry Nikhil...she is living alone with her mother...and what do I tell you Kabir Ji...she kicked me out of my own home....she said if I would ever try to meet Mohini she would get me arrested...."..I told him and did a fake act of wiping my eyes....

"My wife Mohini called me some days ago and informed me that she is close to dying...She has heart problems...you know...and already has three heartattacks...she won't go through a fourth...she said that she wants to see Araisha married....and I think you're perfect for her... trust me Kabir Ji...I haven't seen her for six years...I swear to myself I don't know how she looks....but I know you had a soft corner for her...and I want you to please let go the past mistake of hers...I know you too go to the club and are with different girls every night...."...I said and immediately regretted the last line when his expressions changed....

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