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I wasn't able to sleep at all...my lips still tingled from the kiss that Kabir gave me....

I let myself drown in his kiss...and then I realised that he just wanted to punish me...



" What are you doing Kabir...did you have your dinner..."..I asked Kabir...

" Yes buttercup...I had dinner...what are you doing..."he asked me...

"I am talking to you Kabir...everyone else is sleeping and I'm calling you...how is office..."...I replied...

"Everything is good...you know what I had a dream last night...you..me..together...we were married...and we were on a beach..."..he said...

"Really Kabir...on a beach...wow...I've never travelled anywhere before...promise you'll take me on a beach after our wedding...".. I asked him squealing with joy...

"Relax buttercup..I promise I'll take you to a beach after our wedding...now listen to my dream further..."...he said chuckling....

"We were walking hand in hand and then I looked at you...tipped your chin up and I kissed you softly on your lips..."he said....

I gasped..."Kabir don't talk about bad things with me please...I'm shy..."...I told him blushing...

He started laughing...."kissing is a bad thing...okay tell me buttercup...have you kissed anyone before..."..he asked me...

"I kiss mumma on her cheeks everytime Kabir..."..I told him..

"No idiot...I'm talking about a boy...have you kissed any boy before on the lips...." he said and I could hear the curiosity in his voice....

"No Kabir...I have never kissed anyone ever..."..I replied feeling shy...

"Good buttercup... because your first kiss would be with me and it would be very special..."..he said and then we continued talking the whole night...


Tears rolled down my eyes when I remembered our conversation six years ago....

Kabir was so sweet before...and because of Nikhil...I lost the trust of the only boy I have ever loved...

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