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"Cry as much as you want...let it out Araisha....let out everything you've burried in your heart since a week.... we'll figure it out..... everything's going to be normal....."..Kabir told me rubbing my arms softly....

He sat on the couch and pulled me to him....

I cried and cried and cried...leaning on him....hugging him... and not once he told me to get away

Kabir continued rubbing my back and whispering comforting things in my ear....

After a while...I looked at him..."Thank you Kabir...thanks for whatever you've done..."..I told him and he gave me a small nod...

"I've ruined your shirt...I'm sorry...."I told him and started crying again..

"Husshh..it's okay...you don't need to cry for this...my shirts get ruined everyday...."..he said and again rubbed my back...I could hear the smile in his voice

I suddenly realised the position in which I was sitting....getting flushed up and cursing myself...I tried getting up....

He held me more tightly so that I won't get up..."Leave me Kabir...."..I whispered...

He hugged me more tightly and whispered near my neck..."how are you feeling..."..he said while nuzzling my neck....

I gripped his arms tightly and whimpered...moving my head to the side to give him better access....

He pulled me more near to him and continued planting small kisses on my neck....

"Everything's going to be well... we're all here...aren't we..."...he said rubbing his big hands on the small of my back...I closed my eyes and moved closer to him....

"Oh fuck...you smell so good..."..he said and pushed my shoulders back on the couch....

I fall down and he hovered over me planting small kisses on my arms and neck...

Lost in the sense to recognise what's right and wrong...and feeling something I don't know what it was...I put my hands around his neck and let him do what he was doing..

"Kabir....we should ahhh..."...I told him but moaned when I felt him biting my neck...

"We should what..."...he said and continued his gentle assault...."you're so soft...so beautiful....Fuck Araisha....I'm fucking everything up...one taste...just once...I want to forget everything but I can't...."

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