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I and Kabir have known each other for years...He is my best friend...His family treats me like his own son...

except of his father of course...he hates me...like my father hates Kabir....but it would never affect our friendship...He was my brother...I will do anything for him...

My father always treats me like I'm not his blood...he is never happy to see me...

He blames me for my mother's death...who died when I was 15.."I don't care what ever you do as long as you don't die..."he used to say me when I used to come home late at night....

One day I walked home late at night and heard a woman's voice from his room...I froze...He was getting intimate with her....

"Papa". .I yelled at him...he came outside tying his robe...."What the fuck is wrong with you.." He roared..."What are you doing...Who is that woman inside"...I asked him yelling..

"Hang on...a man has bloody needs.. and stop reacting like you haven't laid down a woman...That jerk Kabir is spoiling you... and hanging out with that useless boy is not going to take you anywhere...He is a cunning boy...he will destroy you...leave him Nikhil and start focussing on your career.."he said and walked away pushing me away....

This is what I am going through everyday for the last 7 years...Thank god I have Kabir...my brother....His mother loves me like her own son...I love all of them too...they were an integral part of my life....I love them all too much...

One day Kabir called me..."Fuck man Nikhil...My father is tying me up...can you believe it..."He said...I laughed pretty hard...

Kabir and marriage are like east and west...or properly mentioning oil and water...they will never mix...."Stop laughing asshole...and come at my place...you are going with me...I'm not going to see her alone...I need some support too....".."I need to see the girl who will steal my brother...Of course man I'll come with you"...I told him between my laughs....

"I can't even imagine you getting married"....I said..."Shutup bastard..."he said..."come home soon... we'll go in the evening...and after that we'll go to the club...hell I need alcohol to get this fucking day out of my brain....I can't even imagine Nikhil what a bloody circus this meeting would be..."He said...

"Chill man...it won't be so bad...I'll see you in an hour...get ready my warrior"...I told him and laughed...He ended the call...

We reached the girl's place in some time and I scrunched my nose seeing her home from the outside...Kabir is from a very rich family...hell they are in news every other day...and the girls place was too small to be married to my brother....exactly being precise..it was a fucking birdbox...."Hell man I am not even interested to meet this girl..."Kabir said and I smirked...I know Kabir...he will not marry her....

We went and sat inside and were conversing with the girl's family....Kabir and I were bored to death...God I was stuck because of him....

"You'll buy me drinks Fucker for coming with you"...I whispered in his ears.."Bloody hell I myself would need a whole bottle..."he said and we both laughed..."She can be as pretty she wants...but my answer is a no..."Kabir said...I smirked...i know man....I thought....

Some time later....The woman...who was the girls mother..went in to bring the girl with her....Hell..I was getting impatient...I atleast wanted to see her before she gets rejected...I thought...and the fact that Kabir's father was saying so many adjectives about her made me more impatient....i really really wanted to look at the girl's face...I thought and smirked.....

The woman returned some time later bringing a girl and I just froze....Fuck....is this the girl that Kabir's father has chosen for him....

The girl was beautiful....stunning....angelic....and gorgeous.....She had short brown hair and beautiful green eyes....Fuck..she was sexy....my heart was falling...

Kabir's father was right...she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on....I just froze for some time...I just wanted to appreciate her beauty for some more time....is love at first sight true....because if it is....then I am a victim....

I knew Kabir was affected by the girl....I wanted her for myself...I wanted to marry her and make her mine....I want to have a future with her...

"Dude she is beautiful but fat"...I whispered in Kabir's ears...I wanted to distract him...dude...please don't like her...I thought..Kabir didn't gave me a response....

hell I wanted to know her name more than my next breathe...."Araisha Sharma..."she said standing close to Kabir...Araisha...a beautiful name and a beautiful girl...what else can a man ask for....

I kept looking at her the whole time we were at her place....I burned when I saw Kabir whispering something in her ears....fuck I wanted to be there...I wanted to hold her hand...I wanted to whisper sweet things in her ears....Love is dangerous....I thought....


Hii everyone....how are you😍😊hope you are all safe in this time of the corona crises....take care😍🙈

So this is Nikhil's POV....what do you think about it....🙈THINGS GET TWISTED🙈🔥🔥

This is not the complete chapter...many things are still left....but I didn't wanted to complete the same in a single chapter...so I have decided to divide it in two parts...🙈🙈I'll probably update in a day or two because I can't wait😭😭😭😭

Tell about your thoughts in the comment section and also do vote🙈🙈🌟🌟...also follow me if you haven't 😍😍😍🌻🌻🌻🌻

Until next time....bye...take care😍♥️

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