Valentine's Day Special

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Human AU:

Sophie, Biana, Marella, and Linh walked through the halls of Foxfire Highschool. Today was Valentine's Day, and all her friends were talking about who they were hoping to get asked out by.

"I hope you don't mind Linh, but I was kinda hoping that Tam-"

"Oh it's okay Biana!" Linh interrupted. "I can see the chemistry between you two from a mile away!"

Biana blushed. "Thanks, girl."

"What about you, Linh?" Marella asked. "Who do you like?"

"Oh dear, um... I kinda like... Wylie?"

The girls shrieked. "Awwwwwww! That's so cute!"

"You two are made for each other," Sophie assured her.

"Before you guys ask, I'm hoping for Dex. He's so smart and kind and cute and-" Marella stopped when she realized everyone was staring at her. "What?" she asked.

"Well... usually..." Biana started. "You go for the strong popular guys, like my brother, you know?"

"What's past is past," Marella waved her hand in dismissal. "Dex is the one for me, I just know it!" She turned to Sophie and smirked. "What about you, Sophie?"

"Oh, uh, I-I don't know," she stammered.

"Uh-huh." Everyone looked at her with their eyebrows raised.

"What?" she asked.

"There's nobody you like, at all?" Biana inquired.


She smiled and pointed ahead of them. "Are you sure about that? The boys are coming this way! I wonder which of them will make Sophie blush!"

Sophie's eyes widened as she saw them. Fitz seemed to be reassuring Tam about something, patting him on the shoulder. Dex was holding a bouquet of ice blue flowers, the same color as Marella's eyes. He was taking very deep breaths. Wylie held a small silver box and was grinning sheepishly at Linh. And Keefe...

Keefe was staring right at her, smiling. Sophie felt her heart beating out of her chest. Keefe, Keefe, Keefe, it thumped.

"Hey Foster!" he said. To anyone else, he would seem to be confident and self assured, but Sophie could tell he was very nervous.

"H-hi Keefe!"

"So uh... I was wondering if um... if maybe-"

"Wanna go to the movies tonight?" Sophie near shouted.

His jaw dropped in surprise, but his ice blue eyes sparkled. "Yeah. Yeah, I would really like that."

"I made something for you!" she said, feeling a sudden burst of confidence. "Here you go."

Sophie pulled out a small container of chocolate chip cookies and handed it to Keefe.

"Wow, Foster! You didn't have to, but thanks! These are my favorite!"

"I know," she blushed furiously.

"Awwwwwwwwww look and Sophie and Keefe! They're so cute!" Biana exclaimed from her spot next to Tam. Sophie turned to see all her friends paired up, except for Fitz.

"Th-thanks Biana," Sophie stuttered. "Hey Fitz, do you have a date?"

Fitz reddened and said, "No, I think I'm done with girls. My date is Mr. Snuggles!" he held up his red dragon stuffed animal and everyone laughed.


"So, Foster. What movie are we going to see?" Keefe asked her as they sat down in the theatre.

"You'll see!"

"Is it sad?"


"Oh no! Foster! I don't want to cry! I hate seeing sad movies! Is someone gonna die?"

"Stop overreacting, silly," Sophie smiled. "It's only a little bit sad, but the rest of it is a love story."

Keefe gasped. "You know I love a good love story! Now what's the movie called?"

"I told you, you'll see!"

"PLEASE!!!" Keefe stared at her with puppy eyes, and she finally gave in.

"Fine. It's called Everything, Everything, and it's a super cute story."

"Oh, I remember! We read that book way back in seventh grade! Remember when the girl-"

"No spoilers for the audience, Keefe!" she chided, still smiling.

He huffed. "Fine. Want some popcorn?"

Sophie nodded, and Keefe picked up a piece from their bucket. "Catch!" he shouted, and tossed the popcorn towards her mouth.

She leaned back to catch it, but Keefe had overestimated his throwing skills, and she ended up flopping over onto the seat next to her. Thankfully, no one was sitting there.

"Woah, sorry about that!" Keefe reached over and helped her up, but he tugged a little too hard. They ended up centimeters away from each other.

"You're stronger than you look," Sophie whispered.

"I guess so."

She was drawn closer to him by some invisible force. The lights began to dim, and Sophie remembered thinking, this is going to be the perfect date

But she had jinxed it. A loud sound came from the movie screen, and the two of them jerked back, muttering apologies to each other.

They sat watching the movie in awkward silence, every now and then glancing at each other, and quickly looking away. Soon, Everything, Everything ended, and the credits began to roll.

"Well, that was..." they both started. Sophie giggled.

"Sorry, you go first," she said.

"No, you,"

"Okay." she blew out a breath. "Sorry about that... thing earlier. I guess I wasn't thinking."

"Me either," Keefe confessed. "But... do you want to..."

"Try it again?" Sophie asked.

She didn't wait for his answer as she leaned in and lightly kissed him on the lips. He ran his fingers through her hair, and she placed her hands on his shoulders. It was a wonderful experience, kissing Keefe Sencen, that is, until somebody interuppted.

"Ewwww! Mommy look! Those teenagers are kissing! Gross!" A five year old boy shouted.

Sophie and Keefe quickly pulled away, embarrased.

"Go do that somewhere else!" They kid yelled.

"Johnny! Be respectful!" his mother scolded. She turned to the two of them and winked.

Sophie's eyes widened and she blushed even harder.

"Okay then," Keefe muttered. "Want to get ice cream?"


A/N: Well that was fun! I wanted to explore the nervous, shy part of Sokeefe, so I did. You're welcome! Happy Valentine's Day! And if you haven't, read the book Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. It's so good!

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