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Sophie Foster: Leader of Team Valiant, member of the Black Swan, genetically altered DNA with five special abilities, including telepathically talking to animals and teleporting, sucked at yoga.

Everyone knew she was overly clumsy when it had to do with anything involving any sort of movement, so when the Councilors told her she had to start working out to get fit, she decided running and push ups probably weren't the best option. Besides, who likes running anyway? (No offense to my runners out there)

Her friends all told her that she was in perfect shape, but according to Councilor Alina... actually, Sophie didn't really want to think about the conversation, though it went something like this:

Sophie: I think I'm in good shape, why?

Alina: You can't fight the Neverseen looking like that, sugar.

Sophie: But I've done just fine up until now!

Alina: Sureeee. No more mallowmelt or desserts for you. I want to see a 12 inch waist in three months, okay sweetie?

Then she popped a butterblast into her mouth, one of Sophie's now forbidden foods.


Sophie was in the middle of a freaky yoga stretch when someone knocked on the door before letting themselves in. She knew who it was by the knock, but also by the fact that they didn't ask to come in before making their entrance.

"Yo Foster, what's good... what are you doing?" Keefe asked. He wore his hair even more tangled and mussed than usual. Huge dark glasses covered half of his face, and across his back he wore a letterman jacket with the name WHITE on it.

Sophie sighed and untangled her legs from the complicated position. "The Council wants me to work out so I'm more prepared to fight the Neverseen or whatever."

"The Council or..." He held up a piece of paper that read: 50 pushups and crunches! Get those abs working! - Councilor Alina  "This was on your kitchen table. I also took the liberty of bringing these," Keefe set down a plate of ripplefluffs drowned in hot, smooth, delicious looking chocolate sauce.

"Thanks, but I can't," Sophie said, pushing the plate away.

"Why not? Because Councilor 9 inch waist six pack abs won't let you?"

"12 inch, actually."

"Whatever. The truth is, the Neverseen doesn't care if you can do 100 reps of a five minute plank. They're gonna care when you kick their butts with your brain. That's your biggest asset. Your brain." Keefe lightly touched a finger to Sophie's forehead. "And me of course," he said, flexing his biceps.

"You think I should ignore her?" Sophie asked. It was hard to take him seriously when the glasses were falling down his nose.

"Absolutely. Besides, one six pack in the group is enough," he smirked.

"You have a-"

"Yes ma'am I do! Wanna see?"

"Uh, no thanks." Sophie playfully pushed him away and he fell over backward, knocking off the glasses.

"HEY! MY COOL KID GLASSES!" Keefe yelled, rushing to get them.

"W-What?" Sophie asked. A little concerned, a little amused.

"Dex lent me a human movie. This is what all the cool kids wore!" Keefe explained, shoving the glasses back on his face.

"You don't need a letterman to be cool," Sophie said.

"A what?"


"Tell me!"


"Gah!!!!" Keefe stood up and ran for Sophie. When he didn't stop, she scrambled up and took off toward her bed too late. He tackled her to the ground, face near her neck.

She refused to think about that. How close he was.

"I don't need a better man? What does that mean? I am the better man!" Keefe said. He made sure not to shout in her ear, which was nice.

"Nooooo. A letterman. It's a type of jacket. The type you're wearing."

"Ohhhh. That makes sense." He nodded his head, and Sophie felt his hair ruffle against her ear. Her face began to redden.

"Can you uh-"

"Oh! Right, sorry," Keefe said tensely.

"It's okay. So... I guess I'll go to Councilor Alina's castle and tell her that..."

"That you don't care what she says and you can be however you want," Keefe finished.

"Exactly," Sophie replied. "But I need to go run to San Diego first. There's something I need to get the Councilor. A present." She felt smile grow on her face as a plan formed.


Exactly one 47 minutes later, Councilor Alina stepped out onto her porch for an afternoon walk when a horrible smell wafted up to her nose. She looked down to see a glass plate with tiny green trees on it. The little leaves were blackened at the ends. A note was stuck to the plate. Enjoy your broccoli and your nine inch waist! -Sophie Foster



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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