The Picnic

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Biana waved goodbye to her friend Sophie as she left the Vacker house. She grinned evilly and turned to Keefe, who was also about to go.

"You have to tell her," she ordered.

"What? No way!" Keefe said, lifting his crystal up to the light.

"Uh, yes way! While I gave her a makeover, she told me about this thing humans do. It's called a picnic. They seem super fun and romantic." She lifted her eyebrows suggestively at the last word.

"I don't even know what that is," Keefe replied. "Besides, there's Fitz to think about. She still likes him. I can feel her feelings, and whenever he's around..."

"Is it her feelings for him, or her feelings for you?" Biana asked. "How can you tell the difference?"

"Well, I..." he paused. "I... guess I just assumed, because of their history."

She smiled. "How does she feel when it's just you around? Besides, the whole ish-dating thing they did was two years ago! I think you're good. Fitz has moved on. Trust me, I know."

"I... I'm just... what if she rejects me?" he whispered.

It took all of Biana's control not to laugh out loud right then. She knew exactly how Sophie felt, and she knew for a fact that she would most definitely not reject Keefe.

"Then suck it up," she said. "There's always another time."

Keefe sighed. "Fine, but I want to know what this picnic thing is. I don't get it."

So Biana sat him down in the grass and explained the whole plan.


Sophie POV:

"...and I thought it would be a good idea for us to have one big picnic together," Biana explained. "Just the five of us. Like old times."

Sophie grinned. "Yeah, that sounds fun. Tomorrow night?"

"Yep! I'll call Dex and Keefe. This is going to be so fun!"

Sophie wished her friend goodnight and clicked off her Imparter. She flopped back onto her bed and sighed happily. She couldn't wait to have a fun night with her friends. And Keefe would be there too!

She sat up in terror. Keefe would be there too! Her crush for the last few years, the handsome, kind, joking, sweet boy who she had absolutely and totally fallen for, and she hadn't even noticed until recently.

"Mom!" she called, racing down the spiral staircase to the kitchen. "We have an emergency!"

"Sophie, honey? Is everything okay?" Edaline asked. She was setting up the table for dinner, snapping her fingers to make plates of steaming hot food to appear.

"We need to bake lots of sweets! I'm having a picnic with my friends tomorrow, if that's okay," she panted.

"Ummmm, what's a picnic?" Grady asked from his spot at the table.

So Sophie sat down and told her adoptive parents all about picnics, and how fun they are.

"Please don't tell me That Boy will be there," Grady mumbled, slurping up purple noodles.

"His name is Keefe," Sophie reminded him. She tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

"He's kidding, sweetie," Edaline soothed. "Right, Grady? You're just kidding?" She said it with such implied force that even Sophie was scared.

"Yeah, yeah," Grady quickly replied. "It was just a joke."

"What do you want to bake?" Edaline asked.

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