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Sophie finally got off her Imparter call with her boyfriend, Keefe. She had been explaining what Disneyland was, because he had wanted to know why she giggled at Dex's last name one time.

She sighed happily. If she were human, she would definitely want to go to the magical theme park with her boyfriend. But next to the Lost Cities, it seemed far less beautiful. Nevertheless, Keefe made her promise to take him tomorrow. One of the perks of having a teleporting girlfriend.


"Woah," Keefe breathed. They had just stepped out in front of Aurora's castle. He gaped at the beautiful palace in front of them, and all the happy people walking around.

"Is that... is that a ginormous mouse?" he asked.

Sophie laughed. "That's Mickey Mouse. C'mon, let's take a picture with him!"

She had made sure to ask Dex to transfer a few lusters into human dollars, so they were all set. They had bought a nice camera before entering the park.

Keefe walked right up to Mickey and tapped him on the nose. "Hey, man. How is, uhhhh," he looked at Sophie for conformation.

"The Magic Kingdom," she whispered.

"The Magic Kingdom," he repeated, smiling.

Mickey waved his hands around, indicating that he was having a blast at the Happiest Place on Earth. Keefe laughed at his crazy gestures.

A cast member volunteered to take their picture, and Sophie handed her the camera. They posed, and at the last second, Keefe kissed her on the cheek.

"Awwwwww, you two are so cute!" the lady smiled.

"Thank you so much," Sophie said, blushing.

They waved goodbye to Mickey and walked deeper into the park. Keefe screamed his head off on Snow White's Scary Adventures, and they shared a kiss on Peter Pan. He definitely enjoyed driving a racecar, though.

"C'mon," Sophie said, dragging him to the back of the park. "There's a new section I think you'll love. It's based on movies I used to watch when I lived here."

"Oooooo is it romantic?" Keefe suggested, raising his eyebrows.

"Not exactly," she hinted.




"That's basically the same thing."

"Ugh, I'm done guessing! Just show me!"

Sophie grinned as they turned a corner and entered the newest edition to Disneyland, Galaxy's Edge. (A/N: Sorry, I'm obsessed with Star Wars!) 

Music blared, and her jaw dropped at the sight of her movie screen come to life. She grew up cheering for Luke Skywalker to blow up the Death Star, for Han and Leia to finally kiss. You couldn't hear the thoughts of movie characters, which was a huge bonus for her.

"Okay, I'm confused," Keefe confessed. "Why is everything so... dirty?"

"It's Star Wars, you idiot. We're getting a copy of all the movies after this."

Piloting the Millennium Falcon was a dream come true, and even Keefe enjoyed it even though he didn't know what the heck was going on. They were intercepted by Stormtroopers, which may have been the most surreal moment of the entire trip. Sophie got a crazy drink at the cantina, but she and Keefe ended up switching. They bought Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber at a shop, and got lots of little stuffed animals of certain characters.

"You're right," Keefe sighed happily. "I definitely need to see these movies."

It was hard, leaving Galaxy's Edge, but there was one more ride she needed to take Keefe on.

They waited in line for the ride Sophie's mother had never really liked, but it always gave Sophie a pause for thought. A moment of reflection on the world. It was truly incredible how a bunch of puppets can give you such vertigo.

They hopped into the boat of A Small World.

"Huh," Keefe said halfway through. "They're kinda cute." He looked at her. "Are you... singing the song?"

"Hey, it's catchy!" she defended.

He started to sway to the music. "Yeah, I guess it is."

"You know, now that I know everything about the elves, it's almost like this song makes even more sense. We're all sharing the same planet. Every single one of us. If we don't get along... then we could destroy each other."

"Woah. That got dark."

"Sorry," Sophie blushed. "It's just... why can't everyone be like this?" She gestured to the puppets. "Singing, dancing, having a good time together? How hard can it be?"

"These puppets, they aren't people. They aren't living. Human nature is so complicated and confusing. It would be really nice if we all got along like this, but wouldn't things be boring? I'm not saying that war is better, just that we should have realistic hopes. And right now, I'm hoping to get a kiss from you," he smirked at her.

"You just went from very deep to very shallow in two seconds. So no."  She stuck her nose up and turned away.

"C'mon, Foster, pleaseeeeee?"

She sighed. "Fine."

It was a great kiss. Probably better than the one they shared on Peter Pan. Except for one small, small detail.


"Johnny! Be nice, leave them alone. Please, just enjoy the ride!" Johnny's mother scolded him.


Sophie pulled away, blushing. Keefe rubbed the back of his neck.

"Whoops," she mumbled. He laughed.

"It's okay Foster. Johnny doesn't have to approve of anything we do."

Sophie giggled, and soon enough the ride was over. 

Late into the night, they stayed at the park. Sophie introduced Keefe to churros, and she was a little scared he was going to become more attached to them then her. They enjoyed a Mickey pretzel and took lots of pictures with different characters. Yes, she convinced him to ride Splash Mountain. And yes, his hair got wet.

"This was awesome, Sophie," he said while they watched the fireworks. "Thank you for bringing me here today."

"Of course." She leaned into his chest and gasped as a firework sparkled above them in the shape of a heart.

"And you know what? Forget what I said on that ride. World peace is the greatest thing anyone can ask for. Well, asking for you does come pretty close. Or me, for that matter."

"Keefe!" she chided, elbowing him.

"Hey! You know it's true."

She sighed. "I suppose it is."

Sophie wrapped her arms around him, and they watched the beautiful explosions in the sky, from a place where everyone was happy.



Also, yes, I'm going to do a oneshot where they watch the Star Wars movies together. If you don't like Star Wars, sorry, you're really missing out. If you haven't seen them, GET DISNEY+ AND WATCH THEM ALL RIGHT NOW!!!

Thank you.😊

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