Chapter 11

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Jo's pov

I loved being inside the recording studio with the guys it wasn't as scary as I had assumed it would be once I got into the groove of things and saw Hero standing through the glass as he watched me his eyes filled with love. It means more than he could ever fathom that he is here with me. "Seriously Hero" I say breaking my from my thoughts laughing as he drives the bike through the path up to the Hollywood sign. "It's our spot love" he says looking back at me grinning his sexy dimples pop out as he shuts the bike off. "Is that so?" I tease him as I take off my helmet and he takes his off placing them on the handlebars of the bike as he looks over to me and says "it is so Ms. Langford." I smile at him as he takes my hand and we walk the rest of the way towards the sign as  he sits down pulling me with him so my back is against his chest as he wraps his arms around me I smile and look up at the setting sun. The view is absolutely magnificent from here. "Jo you were so incredible today the amount of talent you have is amazing" he says to me as his head rests against my shoulder. "You have talent too" I remind him as I lean up and kiss under his chin. "Yeah but my talent is nothing compares to yours" he sighs out holding me tighter. "Hero don't say that you have wanted to play for West Ham since we were children" I say shaking my head at him. "That was before I knew how much I loved you Jo. I can't last 3,000 miles away from you London is far further" he says sternly shaking his head. "Hero you aren't giving up your dreams for me. We talked about this" I groan out irritably standing up. "No Jo you decided what my dreams were for me, but things changed my dreams for the future have changed" he says sadly looking down as he stands up brushing the dirt off his pants. "So then what? I'm not part of this future or something" I ask him nervously biting my nails. "Are you mad Jo you are my future. My dream is to be where ever you are and to help you follow your dreams. To marry you and one day be the father of your children" he says looking at me like I'm crazy for assuming that I would be anything less than a huge part of his future as he cradles my face in his hands. "Hero you can't give up school for me" I say tearing up as the battle to have him come back home to me sooner battles with the side that tells me I am ruining him and everything he has worked so hard for. "I won't I'll transfer to Berkeley" Hero says smiling down at me as his thumbs brush across my cheeks soothingly. "What about Felix? You can't do that to him" I say instantly feeling a pang in my heart at the thought of him coming to Berkeley me and Mercy would get to go too our dream school after all. Plus I could do the band since I'll still be in California. "Felix is home sick he won't admit it but I only think he chose Harvard for me" Hero says trying to reassure me. "We have to talk to your parents, Mercy and Felix before we make any decisions" I say to him sternly. "Did I ever tell how cute you are when your bossy?" he teases me kissing my neck as I laugh. "Once or twice" I say giggling as his lips make my neck tingle from his kisses. My phone pings and it's a text from Elle. "Elle said they got food so not to worry about eating dinner" I tell Hero showing him my phone. "Great dinner with Luke" he says rolling his eyes. "Are you ever going to get over that?" I ask him rolling my eyes back at him. "I'm over it ok sorry baby girl" he says making his lips pout out. "Good" I say laughing as I squish his face with my fingers making him look like a puffer fish as he chuckles. "Let's go I'm starving" I tell him as he takes my hand interlacing our fingers as we get to the motorcycle and he puts my helmet on my head smiling down at me as he places a small gentle kiss on my lips making me yearn for more. "Later baby" he winks clearly sensing the effect he has on me as I blush climbing behind him on the bike as he kicks starts the engine and it roars to life as we speed off down the highway the night getting darker as I hold on to Hero tightly my head resting against his shoulder as the world speeds by us. I see his smile from the corner of my eyes as we weave through the traffic. Finally we get to the Flynn's place and there are already a lot of cars here. "Thought this was a low key party?" Hero asks me looking around as I shrug taking his hand. I immediately text Elle letting her know we are coming in. "Who you texting?" he asks me as we walk towards the main door. "Just checking on Merc" I lie smiling at him he gives me a look but smiles back as I knock on the door and ring the bell we wait a few minutes as no one answers. "Fucking rude asses not answering their own door" Hero grunts out irritably. "Let's just walk in" I say smiling as I open the door a bunch of our friends jump out yelling "Welcome Back FT." As Noah pops a confetti can bits of little paper raining down over me and Hero. "Fuck Flynn a little warning next time yeah" Hero chuckles out as he pats him on the back. "Blame the girls this was their idea man" Noah says chuckling back. "Yo my bruv we missed you man" Morgz says excitedly giving Hero a bro hug. "Missed you too bruv" Hero says smiling as they pull apart. "Hero this is my fiance Carolyn" Jeremy says introducing her. "Nice to finally meet you Hero. I've heard a lot about you" Carolyn tells him as they shake hands. She looks at me and moves a little behind Jeremy as she smiles and gives me a wink and a thumbs up making me laugh as she quickly gulps a sip of her drink when Jeremy looks back at her. I know what she's saying she approves of my choice in men. Who wouldn't Hero literally oozes of sex he his literally perfection in my eyes. "Hero, Jo let's go do some shots" Lee says his arm around Rachel. "We need food first don't need to pass out yeah" Hero tells him. "Hey where's Mercy?" Inanna asks me as her boyfriend Matt talks with Owen and I tell her that she stayed home to talk with Felix. After a bunch of us eat some pizza, wings and soda we all join the rest of the party. "There she is" Sam says excitedly grabbing my arm as Hero shakes his head smirking. "She killed it today in the studio" Sam gushes to our friends. "The next song we record is the friendship one right" Luke asks me coming a little closer as Hero tightens his grip on my hand. "Yeah and I have a few more songs about love I mean how could I not write about it when I have the man I love right here and he is perfect" I say leaning to to kiss Hero as he smiles into it wrapping his arms around my waist. "Didn't know being a pill popper made you perfect" Luke says sarcastically making my heart pound in panic. Who the fuck told him? This is Hero's reputation he's trying to destroy. Not on my fucking watch. "What the fuck did you just say?" Hero yells out angrily going to step forward until I pull him by his jacket. "Seriously Luke are you so pathetic you would try and tear Hero down. Even if what you said is true which it's not he is still perfect to me. You could never love me the way that he does because you don't know the real me. Because if you did know me you would know running that trap of yours about people I love is only going to get me pissed off and you don't want to see me go postal on your ass" I spit at him with venom in my voice. Hero is looking at Noah like he's going to kill him too and Elle looks down sheepishly. So it must of gotten out somehow about Hero and the pills but so what he over came that I am proud of him. He never asked to be put in that situation and if I didn't want to protect Hero I would scream that all out. "I'm sorry Sam but he leaves me no choice it's me or him" I tell Sam tearing up. "What? No Jo seriously I'm sorry fuck" Luke says nervously running his hands through his long hair. "Maybe if you learned to stop wanting what you can't have then this wouldn't be happening right now" Hero says tensing up behind me. "Jo we just signed a deal all of us together we can't lose one of you" Owen pleads with me. "I wanted it to work but he won't stop trying and my heart will always be Hero's" I say squeezing his hand in mine. "Yo this is supposed to be a party" Morgz says handing me and Hero each a shot. "Sorry bruv not in the mood to party tonight" Hero says sadly putting the shot down on the table as I toss back mine and then grab his the burning sensation falling to the pit of my stomach. "I'll stop seriously I will. I won't even talk to you or Hero outside of the studio or practice and even then I'll be civil" Luke looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Please Jo we need this" Sam says as Jeremy and Owen nod in agreement. "Fine one more chance and if something happens I'm out" I say shrugging as Hero looks at me and gives me a small smile. Luke nods as he walks off and Noah looks over at us nervously. "Come with me love" Hero says guiding me towards Noah and Elle who are standing near the fireplace. "You fucking told him? I thought we were mates" Hero whispers gritting his teeth at Noah as he looks at him sadly. "We are mates man I'm sorry he fucking ease dropped when I was talking to Elle about how proud of you I was" Noah tells him nervously. "It really was an accident and Hero you don't have to hide anything from us we are your friends and we care about you we know the real you ok" Elle tells him anxiously. "She's right Hero you have nothing to be ashamed of you learned a valuable life lesson and have grown from this experience. I love you so much" I tell him making him tear up as he looks down at me "thank you guys for being here for me" he says squeezing my shoulder. "Always" I say smiling up at him as he leans down and kisses me. "Looks like it's getting to be a better night so shot?" Morgz asks smirking as he raises his brows holding one out towards Hero who chuckles taking it as he gulps it down. "Fuck yeah my bruv is back but I do miss my little fucker Felix and Mercy sucks she didn't show tonight that's a first I've never seen you at a party without her" Morgz says to Hero and then me. "Yeah I'm thinking of moving back permanently transferring to UC Berkeley" Hero shrugs to the group of us sitting on the couch as we take shots and I nudge him in the ribs. Seriously we still need to talk to other people before he goes blabbing this around. As people leave taking Ubers home Elle offers for us to spend the night there. After what happened last time we spent the night here you'd think I'd say no but they have the comfiest beds ever. "You mind babe" I ask him raising my brows as the rest of the people disappear as Noah and Elle head for his room as do Rachel and Lee as they go to his room. "Stay here when Luke is somewhere around?" he says raising his brows at me smirking. "Do you know how badly you turned me on when you blew up at him" he says seductively crashing his lips against mines. "So make me scream your name loud enough for him to hear what only you can do to me" I say back seductively biting my lip. "Holy fuck that's hot" he says gripping my hips as he pulls me towards the room across from Luke's not knowing if Hero was aware of that or not my mind clouded with lust as he slams the door locking it quickly. Within minutes are clothes are discarded as he hungrily takes my clit inside his mouth sucking and nipping as I moan his name over and over again. "Hero I need you now" I moan pulling his head up as he kisses me passionately aligning his hard cock with my soaked center as he thrusts inside of me both of us moaning loudly in pleasure. He continues to thrust into me faster as the headboard starts to hit against the wall causing a loud bang. "Shit" Hero chuckles slowing down as I giggle. "No fuck me harder" I say biting my lip as I feel his cock hit deeper inside of me reaching my g spot. "I want to hear you scream my name love" he groans out going faster as he lifts my legs above his shoulders the angle causing pleasure to course through my veins. "Fuck Hero yes like that. Don't stop Hero I'm so close. You feel so good" I moan out loudly as his eyes stare intensely into mines biting his lip as he groans in pleasure "fuck Jo your mine always yeah" he grunts out as he continues to thrust into me the headboard smacking against the wall again as I feel my orgasm hit me like a tidal wave as I moan his name over and over again as he climaxes deep inside me kissing my neck as he tells me sweet things and how much he loves me. After Hero grabs something to clean ourselves up with he comes back in the bed and grabs me as I snuggle into his chest. "I really hope your not lying to me about your dream not involving socc- I mean football" I say giggling when he gives me that look. "I love football don't get me wrong but it's not something I will regret giving up. Besides I can still play for fun yeah" he assures me kissing the top of my head. "I love you Hero" I tell him wrapping my arm around his torso as I rest my head on his chest. "I love you Josephine" he sighs caressing my hair. I fall asleep in his arms dreaming of a world where we can have everything.

A/N sorry it's been awhile til next time.

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