Chapter 19

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Mercy's pov

Me and Felix hear a loud bang from outside as we both run towards the front door I see my brother lying on the ground his arm bent at an awkward angle with his eyes shut closed. "Call 911" I yell at Felix as I frantically look around for Jo as Felix grabs his phone immediately talking to the dispatcher I see the back of Jo's head against Hero's passenger door window. Fuck who do I check on first? My brother or my best friend who is like my sister? "The ambulance is on its way, go check on Jo I got Hero baby" Felix says snapping me from my thoughts and making my decision for me as I run over to the driver's side of my brother's Ford Capri I notice the door is gone and sitting in the middle of the road crumpled in a heap. "Oh my god Jo wake up" I cry out as I reach into the car to where Jo is laying across her back against the door. "Mercy where's Hero?" Jo says as she starts to wake up letting me sigh in relief as I hear the ambulance approaching us. "He's ok" I lie to her not knowing how my brother is doing as I look over to where Felix is sitting over him his hand resting on Hero's arm. "A car came it almost hit me" Jo cries as she starts to move trying to get out of the car. "Jo stay still we don't know if you have a concussion yet" I try to urge her but knowing how stubborn she is I reluctantly help her out of the car as she sees Hero she starts to collapse against me as I hold her up guiding her towards him. "Hero baby wake up" Jo says crying as she takes his hand in hers and Felix helps me sit beside him as I take my brothers other hand. "God who would do this?" I cry out as Felix rubs my back trying to soothe me. The ambulance arrives along with the police and the next few hours are filled with answering questions and waiting to hear how bad my brother was hit. First Felix and now Hero my heart can't take this much sadness in such a short amount of time but I have to be strong. Jo was there for me and I'll be damned if I'm not there for every second of this madness with her.

Jo's pov

After Hero had pushed me into the car I had hit my head against the window making me pass out but luckily I don't have a concussion or anything and the doctors and police officers both said based on my description of the way things happened it could of ended a lot worse. But still Hero won't wake up. He has minor cuts and bruises with a broken arm and they had to run numerous tests on him but no one can figure out why he is still technically in a coma. Mercy dragged me home to shower and change and I'm heading back to the hospital now. I still don't know who would do this to us. The only person I could think of was Jack but would he really follow us all the way to California? I grab my iPod and phone as Mercy gives me a small smile. "I added some songs to me and Hero's playlist" I tell her meekly to which she smiles as she puts her arm around me leading me to her mustang as we jump in. Thank God for her I would be lost without her right now. "So did I get another song added to our playlist?" she teases me making me smile for the first time since waking up in Hero's car. There aren't many friendship songs and the ones I have found are so cringe but there is another Bruno Mar's songs since he has now become one of my favorites that reminds me of Mercy so I put it on and she smiles as count on me starts to play on her radio and we sing along to the lyrics driving to the hospital. "So what songs did you add to my brothers playlist?" she asks me as we pull into the parking spot in the hospital lot. "A lot of Bruno" I say smiling "like Just the way you are, marry me, rest of my life" I continue making her smile as I finish saying "also Aerosmith's Miss you, John Legend's All of me and John Meyer's Wonderland." "Epic songs" she says smiling as she puts her arm around me. We enter the wing where Hero is and Martha and George rush over to us giving us each a hug. "Thank God your ok" Martha says pulling me into her arms as I break down sobbing "but Hero isn't and it's my fault." "No dear it's not your fault don't even think that way" George says pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head in a fatherly gesture. "Is he awake?" Mercy asks the question that I'm dreading the answer too. "Not yet but he should be soon. Nothing is medically wrong with him they just can't wake him up" Martha answers her as we walk into the room I hear Felix bitching at Hero that if he doesn't wake up soon he'll kill him himself. "Felix leave him alone" I scold him playfully to which he gives me a sly smirk. "Let's give these two a minute I could use something to eat" Martha says indicating for everyone but me to leave the room with her as Mercy squeezes my hand giving me a small smile I nod my head at her as she heads out the room with the others. "Okay Mr. Beauregard now listen up you need to wake the fuck up" I say kissing his cheek as I crawl into the bed with him. "Listen to our new songs I added to our playlist" I tell him placing one of the earpieces in his ear and the other in mines as I press play. The whole playlist almost plays through and I'm holding on to Hero my face on his chest as I listen to his heartbeat and the tears fall down my face soaking through the thin cotton of his hospital gown. The last song plays Aerosmith's Miss you and suddenly I feel Hero moving as I look up at him blinking back my tears I see his eyelids flutter open as he groans. "Hero your awake let me get a doctor" I say smiling as kiss his lips. "No wait" he says looking down at me as he takes his long fingers and dries my cheek caressing my lips with the final stroke. "Aerosmith huh" he teases me smirking. "You just don't know shit about the classics" I say smacking him lightly. "Hero your awake thank God" Mercy cries as the rest of them rush in his room. "Guess I needed Jo's shit music to wake me up I can't have our playlist ending like that now yeah" he says smiling. "Rude those songs are epic" Mercy says smiling at him. "All right enough teasing me" I say smiling as I go to sit up he pulls me back against him with his arm wrapped around me tightly. "Your not going anywhere Ms. Langford" he says teasingly. "Fine then scoot over" I tell him giggling as he makes more room for me as his parents smile at us both. "I'm so glad your ok I don't know what I'd do without you" I tell him truthfully. "All I was worried about was making sure you were safe" he says kissing me gently. "I'm fine because of you" I say after we pull apart. The police come back and question Hero getting the same story as the one I had told. But this time he added one bit of information I would of never assumed. He thinks Steph was behind it all with her cherry red car. I had never felt such blood boiling rage course through me at the prospect. Could she really be that vindictive? Would she have the guts to even try something like that? All I know is she's lucky Hero's going to be fine because if he wasn't I don't know what lengths she would of pushed me to go. We spent the night in the hospital for observation and I fall asleep against Hero's chest his breathing the only thing keeping me from going out and hunting Steph down myself.

A/N sorry it's been forever and it's shorter than usual but I'll give you another update this week or the beginning of next week I promise. Til Next Time Xoxo Remember to love who you are.

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