Chapter 22

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Hero's pov

Christmas passed by in a blur this year with everything that had happened to Felix in Boston and then me and Jo's issues with Steph we decided to keep it low key and just spent it at the cabin with our families going skiing, enjoying the hot tub and eating tons of delicious food.
Jo got me a bunch of Berkeley stuff along with a new chain and I gave her some gold sunflower earrings and a matching bracelet. All in all it was a great Christmas spent with the ones I love.
Jo's winter formal is coming up and since she is nominated for homecoming queen as is my sister it's obligatory that we attend. Not that I mind dances anymore since having her swaying those hips in my arms isn't the worst thing in the world. In fact it's become one of the best.
I finally got that damn cast off and am meeting up with Jo, Mercy and Felix at the mall while we get our outfits for the dance. Well while the girls get there dresses anyways since me and Felix can use the same suit we have before since they are all similar in style anyway. I finally spot the lot of them waiting for me by the the water fountain and head towards them.
"Hey love I missed you" I tell Jo as she smiles up at me and takes my hand leaning up to capture her lips against mines.
"I missed you too babe" she says smiling against my lips as she pulls away our hands still clutched together as I intertwine our fingers.
"Let's go find our dresses bitch" Mercy screeches in a high pitched squeal making me roll my eyes as Jo looks up at me and giggles.
We make our way through the sea of people as I grip Jo's hand and people watch as I laugh at the parents with kids begging for more stuff as they get irritated with them, shake my head at the couples arguing over petty things, and smile at the teens laughing and having a good time. Suddenly a cloud of red hair comes into my vision and I stiffen immediately standing still causing Jo to collide into me her body flush against mine as I grab onto her in fear.
"Hero what's wrong mate?" Felix asks me as they all look at me worriedly and I scan the crowd looking for the crazy bitch who almost killed me and my girlfriend.
"Hero your scaring me. What's wrong?" Jo says pleadingly as she pulls on my arms making me snap my eyes onto hers.
"I thought I saw Steph" I say warily not exactly sure whether I actually saw what I did or if my mind is playing tricks on me.
"What? Where?" Jo asks furiously as she begins to look around her eyes scanning the crowd in front of us as more and more people pass by us. No sight of the red hair that was once in my vision.
She's here somewhere I can fucking feel it. I know what the hell I saw. I need to keep Jo safe and by my side at all times.
"She can't do shit in a crowded mall. Besides if she tries anything I will seriously beat her ass" Mercy says confidently making me smile at her as Felix takes her in his arms.
"I'll help" Jo adds making me chuckle at her expression as we continue on to the store that the girls wanted to get their dresses from. It's a little boutique called Lucille's. My guard never drops for a second as I keep an eye out for the red headed monster.
"Babe look at this one. Do you like?" Jo asks me as she comes out the dressing room in a light blue lace dress with a matching belt that adds a little sparkle to it with silver glitter embellished over it. I think the fact that my jaw drops as I admire the goddess before me answers her question as she giggles and runs into my arms.
"You look stunning love" I tell her kissing her tenderly as our lips mold together and our tongues collide.
"Oi get a room mate" Felix chuckles out smacking my arm playfully as my sister comes out in a dark blue satin dress his eyes widen and I playfully smack him back as I say jokingly "quit gawking at my sister."
"You look so good geeze sis" Mercy cries out as soon as she sees Jo the both of them grabbing each other in a bear hug.
"Me shut up, you look gorgeous sis" Jo tells her excitedly admiring the material of the dress as she smiles over to me.
"These are the ones then yeah" Felix says happily taking Mercy into his arms as he gives her a kiss and she smiles up at him nodding her head.
I know for a fact he's happy because the girls had only tried on a few dresses. The first one Jo tried on almost had me gasping for air, the amount of cleavage it showed should of been illegal because she was certainly trying to kill me with that damn thing on. Luckily she quickly realized it was an inappropriate dress for a high school dance and chose this one because I certainly wouldn't have been able to control myself with her dressed in the other one and all the guys being able to see her like that.
The girls go and change as me and Felix wait for them to come out the dressing room. I hear a knock on the glass window of the boutique from behind me as I turn my head I see Felix from beside me do the same both of our mouths drop at the sight of Steph standing in the window creepily smiling as she waves at us. Her hair is all poofed out in big red balls and her makeup is scary looking with lots of black eyeliner, red lips smeared and streaks of black mascara running down her face.
"Call the fucking cops mate" I tell Felix hearing the stall doors to the dressing room close behind me as I hear Mercy and Jo take a deep intake of breath I stalk towards the door of the boutique angrily. My fists clenched together as my teeth grind.
"Hero baby you do love me" Steph says as soon I'm in front of her.
"The cops are on there way. Your gonna pay for what you did to me and Jo" I spit out with venom in my voice. As she has the audacity to smile in my face I become more and more angrier until I feel Jo slip her arms around my back and pulling me flush against her.
"I'll get you back Hero once she's gone for good" Steph says cackling as she glares at Jo.
"Your fucking psycho your going to jail" Jo says angrily from behind me as she goes to step in front of me I stop her and shake my head.
"Fuck that Hero she deserves a smack" Mercy says drawing her hand back and bitch smacking Steph across the face as she laughs almost like she enjoyed it and holds her cheek saying "I'll be seeing you all around real soon."
"Your not bloody going anywhere" I yell at her as people start to look at us nervously.
Where the hell are the coppers?
"You see I am or I'll shoot her right here and now" Steph says manically showing us the gun under her red leather jacket.
Like hell am I letting her hurt Jo. Not ever the fuck again.
I quickly pull Jo behind me as Felix does the same with Mercy both of us shielding them from the psychotic red head in front of us.
"Get the fuck out of here then" I yell frantically as Steph smiles and winks at me running in the opposite direction of the main entrance.
"Oh my god she could of killed us all" Jo cries out as I grab her into my arms and hold her tightly.
A few minutes later a couple cops come over to us as Felix flags them down both of them huffing and puffing like they had just ran a marathon.
"Sorry we had got a bomb threat at the other end of the mall by the time we realized there was no bomb we relocated here" the officer explains apologetically.
"She has a fucking gun, she could of killed us this time" I say a little angrily that they didn't get here sooner.
"We have cops scouring every floor of this mall. We will do everything we can to find this Stephanie lady I swear it" the officer says putting his hand out for me to shake. I was raised right so I shake his hand nodding my head and praying he is able to keep his word and bring Steph to justice.
"We'll have an officer watching over you two at all times until we are able to locate her" Officer Dan says to us as I notice Felix is missing.
"Oi where's Felix?" I ask Mercy as she looks behind her me and Jo following her actions we see Felix walking out of the boutique with two boxes in his hands as she struggles to hold them indicating for me to grab the one on top. Which I do smiling at him as I know my best mate just bought the girls dresses for them.
"Felix thanks so much babe" Mercy says excitedly as we follow officer Dan to my Ford Capri.
"Yeah thanks Felix" Jo says smiling as she looks at the box in my hands.
"Hero can get the shoes" Felix says making us all chuckle including officer Dan.
I'm glad we can still find humor in our lives even after all the crazy shit that has been happening lately. All I want is a future with Jo is that too much to ask for? I don't know what I did to Stephanie to deserve all this but one way or another I will get to the bottom of it and put and end to her.

A/N so I tried making it easier to read as one of my loyal readers suggested. Not sure if I did it right since I suck at separating paragraphs so let me know if this is better or not. Til Next Time 😜 spoiler some crazy stuff is about to happen at the Winter ball.

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