𝐕𝐈. 𝐄 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐮𝐦

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Do you know how bubblegum looks when you chewed it and spat it out? Well, you never expect a monster to look like that. So when the group of six teens started walking towards the elevator, they didn't have an image like that in their head.

"Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" The receptionist yelled when they passed her, but they kept walking. Mike pushed the elevator button but it was taking too long.

"Stairs." He said and the group ran up the stairs. Chris being the most athletic one being the fastest. When he reached the top, he didn't wait and started running in the direction of Jonathan's voice. He found him banging on a door for Nancy.

"Stay back!" Chris ordered just as the other's ran towards them. Chris kicked open the door just as the chewed-up bubblegum but worse monster stood over her. The monster shrieked and El got ready to fight.

"Jesus!" Mike cursed.

"What the f—" But Max got interrupted as El yelled while she threw the monster against one of the walls, then against another one and lastly against the ceiling. Chris stuck out his hand that had electricity sparkling around it out and yelled as a large, larger than ever, strike of lightning left his palm and sent the monster flying through the window and fell all the way to the ground.

"Go," El said to Jonathan who ran to Nancy while the others ran outside to look for the monster. But unlike El who had experience with her powers, Chris was drained and kept running slower as his head and arm burned while his scars glowed.

"Chris, come on," Jonathan said as he and Nancy put their arms around Chris's shoulder and helped him outside as he was absolutely exhausted. Outside laid the monster, but they all watched with shock as it melted into a lumpy and disgusting puddle and crawled into the sewers, leaving a few pieces of body that didn't melt.

"Okay that's disgusting," Chris sighed as he slowly stood on his own without Nancy's and Jonathan's help. But that monster was only a small part of their worst nightmare.


Forth of July was a day of celebration. It was a day of happiness. Of fun. But inside Chris's head, it was everything but happy and fun. He sat at the kitchen island as he nervously ate his toast. He didn't really feel hungry after what he saw yesterday. His hair started floating as his anxiety got worse but he quickly patted it down.

"Is it bad?" Chris looked up and his hazel eyes landed on his mother. "The toast. You're not eating it. Is the toast bad?" She asked and Chris quickly shook his head.

"No, I'm just not that hungry," He replied with a thin smiled as he pushed his plate away. He was wearing some baggy jeans, a colourful band T-shirt, his baseball jacket, his classic black Vans and of course, his bright red sunglasses.

"You have to eat something, Christian," His mother scolded softly.

"I'll eat something at Wills," He lied while jumping off his chair. "Talking about Will, I should go. See you later," He waved and started leaving when his father's voice stopped him.

"You still hanging out with that queer?" He asked, not looking up from his new paper as Chris clenched his fists.

"What did you call him?" He asked as he looked at his father who finally looked up.

"Aw, come on, Christian. Everyone knows what he is. Look out, it might be contagious." His father replied and Chris could feel his nails digging into his palm.

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