Fireworks popped in the distance as the group listened to Chris and El talk.
"He said he was building something. That it was all for me," El said as Chris sat further away from the group to let the electricity die down.
"Building something... Is he talking about the flayed?" Max asked.
"He must be," Nancy replied.
"So, he's building an army, just like we thought," Lucas added.
"Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread," Mike spoke up.
"He's building it to stop Eleven and know that he knows about Chris's powers probably him too." Will finished and everyone turned to Chris.
"What did you see?" Mike asked him and Chris thought back to the memories.
"Memories. I saw how... I was the complete opposite of Billy," He said and everyone looked at him in silence. "Billy got powers from the Mind Flayer just like me, only in different ways,"
"Billy by possession and you by injection... sort of," Lucas thought out loud and Chris nodded.
"When I saw Billy's memories, I freaked out because of how much they looked like my own. And that's when I went to the same room El goes to when she searches someone. Only every time I saw someone it was a memory," Chris explained again.
"What memories did you see?" Max asked carefully.
"There were four in total," Chris started. "The first time my dad hit me badly, but it wasn't the fight, it was my mom holding me afterwards. Then it was of Steve, but it was in the time that he hated me. Then it was of the fight I had with my dad the day before Mike and I went to Will's when he possessed. It was the first time I fought back. And the memories ended with when I got my powers." He finished and El looked up.
"The same way we saw Billy's memories," She said and Chris nodded.
"I get it, both you and Billy had a bad bond with your father but a good one with your mother behind closed doors, a troubled sibling relationship and now powers," Mike added.
"It's just..." Chris stammered. "What if I become like him too? What if I become like Billy?" He asked as his hair started floating again.
"Never," Will said. "Because you have us, and we won't let that happen to you." He promised and softly touched Chris's hand. A small spark exchanged between the two, but not one of Chris's powers, as Chris's hair went down again.
"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off." Mike said.
"Like, royally," Lucas added.
"And the Mind Flayer now know that El and maybe even Chris are the only thing that can stop him. But if they're out of the way—"
"Game over." Lucas finished for Mike.
"He also said he was gonna kill all of you," El said and Chris's hair immediately started floating again.
"Yeah, well, that's nice," Max said sarcastically before patting down Chris's hair. But then Nancy looked up and walked towards the window.
"Do you guys hear that?" She asked and Chris could feel a headache coming up.
"It's just the fireworks," Jonathan replied.
"No," Chris corrected. "It's not," He said as the headache got worse and images of the bubble-gum looking monster flashed through his head.
"Chris, what do you see?" Nancy asked.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒 ||𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘺𝘦𝘳𝘴||
FanfictionIn which Chris realizes that maybe feelings weren't that bad. Especially when you find out your best friend gets kidnap to another dimension. And especially when he realizes that he could have a crush on that same friend. Now all he had to was fight...