2: This Boy

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"I'm in love." I sign burying my face into my hands.

"Sorry to break it to you D but we already know that. Tell us something new." My best friend Ella laughs.

"I'm pretty sure it's safe to move on now," My other best friend Mary Jane says beside her.

I wish I had this huge moment in my life like fictional characters do that lead up to having best friends but I don't. Nothing special happened, Ella and I just went to elementary school but didn't start talking really until middle school. Then on the first day of high school we met Mary Jane. That's it. No big dramatic back story. I'm too average for that.

I admire Ella and Mary Jane across from me. Ella has unruly brown curls stopping at her shoulders that usually keeps in a bun and large black rimmed glasses almost entirely covering her small face and chubby cheeks. Mary Jane's grandparents are all from Japan but she still looks like an average teenage girl like me.

"How can I move on from my future husband? I just can't do that!" I yell slapping my hands on the cafeteria table almost knocking over Ella's bottle of water.

"Future husband huh?" Mary Jane asks with food in her mouth. "How's that working out for ya?" She says with a little bit of mayonnaise on her lip, pointing behind her to Lucas and Lucy. 

Once again my life is not a soap time opera show. It's not even a sitcom. It's just... well it's as interesting as the presidential debate. And even that comes around only once in a while.

So since I live such an 'oh so exciting life' here I am sitting in the busy cafeteria sitting shoulder to shoulder with people I don't talk to watching the love of my life have his girlfriend under his arm. Now if this were every young adult book, they would be making out with her on his lap and I would feel this instant anger inside of me. Or she would have died blonde hair, big boobs, and short shorts that don't even cover her ass. Plus of course Lucas would be the captain of the football team, most popular guy in school, don't even know I exist, and a total jerk.

But this isn't a book. This is my life, and nothing fun ever happens in my life. So to prove that and to make me suffer in eternal misery, Lucy... If I'm being honest... is the perfect girlfriend.

But if I'm not being honest than she's the biggest bitch I've ever met, a huge slut and more than likely has an STD. Scratch that... does have an STD. Hey if I'm making up an imaginary world than why not make it the best?

So anyways Lucy Pratt is not the dumb blonde bimbo I wish her to be. In fact she's in two of my AP classes last year, is not abnormally rich, and doesn't even have blonde hair. It's a light brown that goes into an ombre blonde. And right now she's wearing a gray sweat shirt over maroon jeans.

I mean what happened to the good ole' time with the fake bitchy popular girls who make it their goal in life to make me suffer.

Lucy Pratt is in fact perfect.                                 

And I want to kill her for it.

Lucas and her make the sweetest couple at this school. Like Lucy, Lucas isn't the stereotypical popular guy. He's on the baseball team instead and is only a co-captain. Also he's only had two other serious girlfriends before Lucy so he isn't a player.

He's more than perfect.

He's too perfect to be perfect.

And I want to have his babies for it.

"I will forever be in love with him." I don't say his name in fear of the people around us hearing me.

"I don't think that's healthy." Ella tells me after she comes back from throwing away her trash.

"Why do they have to be so perfect together? It's ruining my life," I whine while looking at Lucas and Lucy laugh with their table of friends.

"I have told you this a million times D and I will tell you again until your ears are bleeding or my voice gives out, whichever comes first. You. Need. To. Move. On." Mary finishes her sandwich and leans across the table to annunciate every word perfectly.

I wish I could tell them that I have tried! I hooked up with a hot bad boy in a dirty AIDS infested bathroom last night at a concert. But I feel as though I should keep that part hidden for a little bit. It's only for my concern besides they don't really care. We have this strict rule that we can't get mad each other if we keep secrets about ourselves. If we want to talk about it than fine but it's none of their business. None the less we're still best friends.

I'm saved from coming up with a response by the bell. Students take their sweet time to stand up and head out the way to small door into the cramped hallway.

Me and Ella say our goodbyes to Mary Jane before we head to math together. We push past the crowds quietly to our lockers getting shouldered into once or twice. 

Finally we arrive in the class room with two minutes to spear. We dump our school bags on our desks which are side by side.

"Hey are you coming over today to study?"

"I can't, I have this thing." This is when I enjoy our agreement to not tell each other everything. This way I don't have to lie and feel bad about it.

"Okay." She chirps with a smile right as the bell rings.

Class goes by slow as always. Halfway during the period the teacher gives us out homework and we finish it ten minutes before the bell rings.

I try to keep my nerves down as I make my way to my next class with Lucas.

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