This Body

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This Body

I slowly turn to look at Bash and when I do I nearly scream once again. I spin in the other direction and cover my eyes wanting to erase the image from my mind.

"Can you please cover that thing up," I plead.

Instead of answering or saying a rude comment he bluntly says, "I fucked you last night." I don't know whether he meant it as a question or a statement.

I groan and feel my face turn the color of a tomato. "Please don't say that word."

"What? Fuck?" I shudder at the use of the word again. "Well that is what we did last night Sadie because we sure as hell weren't knitting sweaters," he grumbles.

"You knit?" I turn around to look at him puzzled. Thank god he has his shirt covering his private area.

He looks at me like I'm crazy and doesn't bother to answer. "Why aren't you naked?" His eyes look me up and down.

"Because I think you had enough last night," I say through clenched teeth.

He raises an eye brow and smirks at me. What's with bad boy's and smirking? It's annoying and stereotypical. "I don't think I did, neither did you."

"And here comes the egotistical perverted comments." I roll my eyes and look away again.

I hear Bash chuckle and shift around and I just know if I turn my face even an inch my poor eyes will come in contact with his junk.

"Get that thing away from me before I rip it off," I snap.

"Well someone's grouchy after they lose their virginity," he mumbles but I hear the amusement.

I jump up from the ground and spin around so I'm facing Bash in all his naked glory.

When I die I seriously need to talk to God about why on earth he would make someone so perfect... and chiseled... and muscular... and... Stop Sadie!

I poke Bash's chest hard but am not surprised when he doesn't even stumble back. My finger however is now throbbing. How can someone be so hard?


Oh for everyone's sake please stop getting distracted.

"You!" I scream. "Are a grade A asshole! A for asshole!"

So I'm either pitting out verbal diarrhea because of the alcohol or because I've never really yelled at anyone before. Despite my lack of vocabulary and lack of witty comebacks I'm proud of myself.

Bash doesn't even try to hold in his laughter. He laughs in my face and looks back up to the sky with clenched eyes and a dimple on the right side of his cheek.

God that's cute.


I push Bash back with my two hands and when he doesn't stop laughing I start poking him hard with my index fingers.

He still doesn't stop laughing, but instead changes his laugh. It sounds like a dying hyena giving birth.

Okay that was wrong.

But what in the world is that sound and why is it coming out of his mouth?

"Stop, stop. Please stop," Bash pleads between laughs.

Oh my god, is he ticklish?

I stop at the realization.

Bash leans over with his hands on his knees and takes a couple of deep breaths to calm himself. When he looks back up to me he glares at me. Hard.

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