This Surprise

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay alone tonight?"

I look up from my book to see my Dad standing in the entry of the library slash home office. I offer him a smile and a nod. "I'll be fine Dad. I need to catch up on this book anyways for English."

"You can come with you know. There will be dinner there and-"

"And a bunch of old snobs," I finish for him, "no offence but the limo's and the caterers aren't really my scene."

"I know they aren't darling," he sighs. He walks over to kiss me on the forehead. "I'll lock the door behind us okay? And use your new cell to call me if anything happens. You know my number don't you?"

"Dad," I groan, "You made me put your number into my phone the day I got it as you were hovering over my shoulder. But yes I know your number by heart."

"Good," he says with a satisfied. "Go to bed early will you? You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow, meaning surprises and presents and presents that are surprises and I want you up and awake by the time the rooster crows."

"Dad it's my eighteenth birthday, not my wedding day. Please let me sleep in," I beg.

"Don't have any parties while we're gone," he says instead as he turns around and walks out of the room.

"I'll be sure to burn down the house!"

I hear the door close shut so I got back to my reading. It's a wonder how my parents can stomach those horrible dinner parties.

I guess my Dad knew how depressed I am recently since my birthday is tomorrow and I have no one to celebrate it with. My parents know about Mary Jane and Ella obviously, as well as Lucas's and I's break up but they're just as clueless to Bash's disappearance as I am. They obviously know he's gone but they don't know why.

Would it be too weird to tell my Dad that Bash left because he thought I was getting back together with Lucas because he's in love with me and I'm upset about his absence because I'm in love with him too?

Yeah no, that's a conversation for my sister.

Speaking of, my phone blares beside me, startling me out of my thoughts. When I read the time I realize that it's already been twenty minutes since my parents left and the sun has been replaced by a sky full of stars and a bright moon.

"Hello," I ask into the phone.

"Little S," she yells, "Happy Birthday Beotch!"

"It's not my birthday yet Sarah. Are you drunk?"

"No I'm not drunk," she yells, "But I am at a bar and I know that I will be getting wasted soon enough so I won't be able to say happy birthday to you when it's twelve."

"Well thank you anyways," I laugh, "why are you at a bar by the way?"

"Oh well," she begins.

Suddenly something crashes upstairs and I know well enough that it's coming from my parent's room. My parents left a while ago and I would've been able to tell if they came back home early. No one else should be here.

"Sadie? Are you there," Sarah asks in the phone.

"Um," I begin, than I notice how quiet her side of the call is. If she were at a bar it would be much louder in the back ground. Besides, she said she would be coming for my birthday, just not when.

I smile into the phone, happy that my sister thought she was good enough to surprise me. "I'm sorry I just dropped my phone. What were you saying?"

I walk out of the office, careful to be quiet as I walk through my house and to my parents room. When we were younger, me and my sister discovered how easy it would be to slip in and out of our parent's bedroom because of the large tree beside the balcony. Of course neither of us have been rebellious enough to use that escape. Well I guess until now.

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