I close the front door behind me with an irritated slam. I then proceed to repeatedly hit the back of my head onto the wooden door while chanting, "You're so stupid, you're so stupid."
I thought that after I lost my virginity then my hormones would calm down but not with Bash. No Bash made them speed up. He was... addicting. His expert hands, his fluent movements, his husky voice. That boy has a gift from God. I'm sure even neither of the Hemsworth brothers could be that skilled in bed.
When Bash's lips connected with mine I had every intention to push him off. I had my hands on his chest ready to shove him away but then... he started to kiss my neck.
I'm happy to know now that my neck is my kryptonite. I should remember that in the future when I'm hanging around Bash.
If I ever see him again that is.
After we finished he was acting strange. More strange than usual that is. I mean he stared at me for what felt like a life time until eventually I squirmed under his stare and he pulled his gaze away with a nervous look.
Then he dismissed me saying he had to take a shower and he would text me later. I wasn't too angry with that seeing as how I lived pretty close to him and the tension in the air between us was unbearable.
"Mom?" I yell through the house.
Not only did I sleep with Bash... again, but I also missed all of my afternoon classes which will certainly earn me a lecture and grounding from my Mom. There's no point in lying to her and running up to my room because the school will call her in an hour telling her of my absences.
"Mom?" I call again when I get no answer.
Hmm, must be out at the store or something. Maybe I should just wait for the phone call.
In the meantime I'll take a shower and try to get the feeling of Bash's hands off of me.
I couldn't get the feeling of his hands off me. I didn't want to actually. Instead I tried to replace the feeling with my own which didn't end well because let's face it, nothing, and I mean nothing, can do as well as a job as Bash does.
Did he take a class or something for it?
The odd images of Bash sitting in a class room with lessons on séx on the white board are ripped from my head when I hear the doorbell ring down stairs.
The towel that I have wrapped around my head drops to the floor as I rush down stairs. I know I'm in my robe but hopefully it's just my Mom forgetting her keys or Bash.
'Stop thinking about it Sadie,' I chastise myself.
I swing open the door and am shocked when I see none other than Lucas Favero standing in front of me.
"Um hi," he says awkwardly while his eyes scan my body with a flushed face.
I look down to my apparel, remembering that I'm wearing a bright pink embarrassing fluffy robe. I squeal and slam the door in his shocked face.
In less than three minutes I'm back down stairs in jeans and a t-shirt, opening the door again that is rattling from Lucas's knocks.
"Oh sorry," he apologizes after he almost punches me.
"What are you doing here," I ask instead.
He scratches the back of his neck and with a small smile he says, "You didn't come back to school so I wanted to check up on you."
I raise an eye brow. "I didn't go to school so you came to see me at my house?"
He nods his head guiltily.
"You didn't have to do that Lucas," I say quietly. The pain of Lucas's betrayal is all too fresh in my mind. Sure I've been with Bash since then but it's just Bash. I really cared for Lucas and he completely stabbed me in the back. He humiliated me and used me. I wasn't too easy to forgive for that.
"Can I come in?" He holds up a bag. "I brought you something."
"Why don't you just give it to me here?"
"Look I know I messed up okay Sadie? And I regret it, I really do! I never wanted to hurt you but then I started to develop feelings for you because you're such a great person and you're beautiful and damn!" He stops his pacing across my porch to look me in the eye. "I'm sorry Sadie, please forgive me because I don't know what to do to make you talk to me again."
"I'm talking to you right now," I point out, leaning again the door jam and crossing my arms. If he wants me to forgive him than he's going to have to work for my forgiveness.
He sighs, obviously frustrated and practically throws the bag in his hand at my chest. "I thought you would like this."
My Mom's car decides to pull up at that moment, keeping the conversation to continuing any longer than it already has. I'm thankful for the interruption because I don't know what I would say anyways.
"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow," mutters Lucas before he saunters off towards his car.
He passes by my Mom with no smile or wave or any sort of acknowledgement of any kind. And what's even stranger is my Mom doesn't seem to care.
She walks up to the front door with a large smile as Lucas drives away.
"Did you get botox?" I ask suspiciously.
"No," she says looking confused as she closes the door behind her. "Why do you say that?"
"You're smiling too much, its creeping me out."
She rolls her eyes and continues to peel off her jacket. That's when I notice that she's wearing jeans and a shirt that my sister gave to me that says, 'I didn't know what to wear today so I put on this designer t-shirt'.
"You're wearing my shirt," I comment feeling like the world is about to end. Not because my Mom is wearing my shirt but because she's wearing a shirt and jeans. For as long as I remember my Mom has always worn a dress. Even when it's cold out she'll wear tights underneath one.
She looks down to her clothes than back up to me with a smile. "Oh yeah. You never wear it and I figured I might show off your sister's designs."
"She made that as a joke for me," I add.
She shrugs carelessly. "I like it anyways." She walks past me and into the kitchen, hollering over her shoulder, "Do want cheese? I'm ordering pizza tonight."
After getting over the initial shock of having pizza for dinner I respond with yes. She didn't even bring up my absences which is odd because I know she has already heard them.
What happened to my Mom and who is this lady in my house?

This Love ✔️
Teen FictionBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...