This Cock-a-doodle-doo

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'There's a chair with a pie and there's a chair with a dick. Which one do you sit on and which one do you eat?'

I roll my eyes and send a reply before Mr. Patrick can turn around from the board.

'Depends on what I ate for breakfast. Don't you have some new clothing lines to come up with? Stop sending perverted questions to your little sister while she's in class.'

'Then stop responding to them.'

"Ms. Jefferson do you have a question?"

I snap my head up towards Mr. Patrick in front of the classroom, nearly dropping my phone on the ground in surprise.

"Um no sir."

"Great so maybe you can answer this one." He paces up and down the aisles of the desks filled with bored students. "Who stormed into Versailles Palace during the French Revolution and carried the guard's heads on spikes?"

"The market fish ladies."

"Ah, now you know men to never piss off a woman who cuts flesh every day for a living. Give them what they want unless you want your head on a spike," Mr. Patrick says with an amused smile. "Now who can tell me what Bastille Day is?"

Before I can raise my own hand a voice behind me speaks up.

"It commemorates the day that the people of Paris stormed the Bastille Prison in order to raid it for gun powder and weaponry in fear of the rumored incoming attack from another country."

Even though Lucas has been speaking up a lot more in class Mr. Patrick seems to be surprised every time it happens.

"Good job Mr. Favero. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it," states Mr. Patrick before turning back to the board.

"Will do," he whispers huskily into my ear from behind.

I move my arm to shove his face away from my own but can't hold back the giggle that escapes. "Stop that."

"Should I have said 'You can hold it against me sir' or was what I said just as good?" He asks curiously behind me, his fingers teasingly playing with my hair. He seems to be enjoying my hair because he'll always play with it in History and in Science.

I turn in my seat to face him. "You're on a roll today aren't you?"

"I am." He nods his head proudly. "I don't know what's come of me recently but I like it."

I roll my eyes. "Well try to not become too cocky," I say and turn back around. That's when I notice the curious glances from the students all around us. They haven't stopped since Wednesday when Lucas carried me out of the cafeteria. It's been two days since then and we still seem to be a science experiment to everyone, probably because we're always together now.

I feel him lean forward again in his seat to whisper another thing in my ear.


I erupt into giggles before I can stop myself, earning a playful glare from Mr. Patrick at the front of the room.


"Where's lover boy," asks Jake, Lucas's best friend.

"How should I know?" I ask despite my growing worry. It's twenty minutes into gym and Lucas has yet to make an appearance. I have no right to be worried, I'm not his girlfriend well not yet I suppose, but I was with him in history and now he's gone. It doesn't help of course that Lucas is the single friend I have in this class now. I refuse to speak to Ella since it's clear what side she took and I've never had the time to become tolerable of Lucas's best friend.

"Well you guys are attached at the hip these days so I figured you would know what his every move is." He snickers.

"Sorry to disappoint," I mutter and turn back to the court. We're playing volleyball, my least favorite sport, so I might have told the teach that I had the bad case of Mother Nature so she sympathetically let me sit out.

"Oh I don't think I'm the one that's going to be disappointed," he says softly with a wicked smile. "Because I know where Lucas is right now."

"Okay is there something I'm missing? Cause if there is why don't you just cut to the chase and tell me, I don't have the patience to play you idiotic games Jake," I snap.

His smile disappears, now covered in hard set stone. "Go look behind the equipment shed outside," he says shortly before spinning around and stomping over to his smirking girlfriend.

I huff out a soft, derisive breath and do as he says reluctantly. Like I said, I don't have the patience to deal with Jake's games today, besides it's probably nothing bad. Lucas is probably waiting outside waiting to surprise me.

As soon as the door to the gymnasium close behind I'm shocked into stillness. Why does Lucas want to meet me out here alone? Why was Jake being secretive? Is Lucas going to ask me to be his girlfriend?

I try to sort out the thoughts in my head enough for them to make sense. It's only been a couple of days but me and Lucas have spent twenty-four seven together, he even had dinner with my family again last night and didn't leave until late. I've found myself actually wanting for him to reach for my hand, for him to hold my face in his hands and kiss me, to do anything. I'm right back to the way I was feeling about him weeks ago before I met Bash, I get nervous whenever I'm around him, my skin ignites by his touch, my mind doesn't wander off far from him.

I want Lucas Favero. And he wants me. So what the hell is holding me back?

With a renowned smile on my face I triumphantly walk towards the equipment shed on the other side of the football field. During the walk I make sure my breath smells acceptable, there's nothing on my shirt, my body looks incredible underneath my loose gym clothes, and my legs look to die for from a guy's perspective.

As I near the shed the nerves start to fall away and my body starts to shake with happiness. I don't think I've ever been this happy before in a long time. This is exactly what I've been waiting for six years and I've finally done something right for this to finally happen for me.

My Grandpa once said, "When your world begins to crumble, I want you to stand tall like how your mother told you to stand as a child, shoulders back and chin up. You will not crumble down with it."

But as I turn the corner of the shed, my smile slowly dropping with my heart, I cannot remember his words. I cannot remember that piece of advice he engraved into my head when I was younger because I all I can focus on is what's in front of me.

Lucas and Lucy. No space between their lips. No space between them and the shed behind them. But a whole world between the me and them.

All I want to do right now is cry and scream and let it all out because it's killing me inside. But I don't. Instead I turn and walk away and they never know of my presence.

What do you guys think???
Please rant and tell my your feels here!

By the way I did not write the advice from her Grandpa, someone else did but from the initials I don't know who. Someone from tumblr I assume anyways the full beautiful poem/quote is in the media section so check it out!:)

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