This Feeling

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My eyes rake over his body and I can't help but admire the perfectly sculpted butt (seriously who the hell made that? God himself?) and the muscular back that is covered in a very intricate tattoo.

He's naked.

I'm naked.

I am very, very sore down under.

This has to mean one thing.

We were robbed of our clothes and I landed on a fallen tree trunk somehow.

Bash groans beside me and I look on in horror.

I know what truly happened last night and I can't escape it, even though I can't remember it.

Oh god, I can't remember it.

I rush through my memories of the night before and try to remember how I let this happen.

Nothing comes to me. I scream in frustration and in horror. I lost my virginity and I don't even remember it.

Ten minutes later with tears in my eyes and a wobbling lip, also a still passed out Bash, I stare out at the barren lake.

Then the memories come back to me.


"Let's go swimming!" I squeal in delight and charge towards the lake in front of me.

Before I can dive in Bash's strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me to him. His breath smells like alcohol as he says in my ear, "No swimming for you."

I pout and go limp in his arms, almost sending me down to the floor. "But the water looks so preeetty."

Bash lifts me up into his arms and carries me back to the bottle of vodka. "If I knew you were going to be a stupid drunk then I wouldn't have agreed to this."

"Do you even know who I am?" I snap my fingers. "I am Michelle Obama! Earning Oprah dollars!"

He rolls his eyes and places me back on the ground. Immediately I scramble for the bottle but Bash swipes it out of my hands.

"No more for you, and stop trying to act like a bitch. You couldn't hurt a fly."

"Are you even drunk mister?" I sway as I poke his cheek. He has nice cheeks. I wonder if he has nice butt cheeks too. I giggle at the thought and poke him again.

He swipes my hand away with a scowl and encloses it in a firm grip next to his leg.

"No, I'm not a light weight like you."

I gasp, feeling the tears spring to my eyes. Why? I have no idea.

Horror crosses Bash's face. "Please don't cry, please don't cry. I promise when you sober up we can go swimming."

Excitement bubbles up inside me and the tears dry. "Really?"

He groans and gently pushes me back so I'm laying down on the grass. "Yes really. But lay down for now. You didn't drink much so the alcohol should leave you're system pretty quickly."

I do as he says and lay down with a huge grin on my face. I tug on his shirt earning a scowl from him.

"What now?" He snaps.

"Lay down next to me," I whine.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because we're going to have a moment."

"A moment?" He looks at me confused.

I nod my head quickly. "I want to have a moment with you. Lay down." I pat the empty space next to me with an eager smile.

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