This Precious Jewel
We talk for another hour about nothing at all. Nothing I remember at least. Sometimes both lines will be silent for ten minutes before he asks, "Are you sleeping Sadie?"
The sound of my name coming off of his lips makes me wake up more even though I wasn't sleeping. I try my best to stay awake because I know he needs me to stay up and distract him. I hope I'm doing a good job which I assume I am because he sounds happy and he hasn't brought up whatever happened.
I wonder if it's his parents fighting with each other or fighting him but then I remember that it is none of my business. I probably know more than I should anyhow.
"Yeah, yeah I'm awake."
"So I think we've gone through everything. Your favorite color is turquoise because it reminds you of the ocean. It used to be gold in fifth grade though until you thought you were stuck up to say that. Your favorite movie is Django: Unchained which I still think is gutsy for a girl to like, and you're favorite band is Maroon 5 although One Direction is your guilty pleasure which I'm disappointed about but you're a good kisser so it's okay. You've never gotten first place in anything in your entire life. Your favorite subject is History because it's like a bunch of stories but you never know if any of them are true. Also because it takes you back in a time to a place you find amazing. Your favorite food is pizza because it's addicted to you not the other way around. You want to major in History in college and maybe become a teacher. You're a senior at WHS and you have homework tomorrow that you have to do. Well Sadie I think it's safe to say that I know you better than anyone in this entire world." Bash rambles on the other end of the phone. He doesn't even sound tired which is crazy to me because I've yawned at least twenty times since I picked up the phone.
"Well if we're naming this off than it's my turn. Bash is a nickname but you won't tell me your real name because you don't like it. You just got back in town at the end of the summer from being away for four years. You have a little brother and it's just you two with your parents. Your favorite color is not black but you don't even have a favorite color because you think you sound like a girl if you did have one. Which by the way I'm counting black as your favorite color but I'll keep it a secret. Your favorite movie is We Were Soldiers and you promised me that you would read The Things They Carried because I know you will love it even if you don't like reading. You graduated last year and you work at the concert venue as a sound guy. You've loved music ever since you were a little boy when you would ride in the car with your Dad and brother listening to music from the eighties and fifties." I take a breath.
"Did I do good?" I ask.
"Yeah you did. Way to go." He says laughing a little. "But I have a question for you."
"Shoot." I mumble slipping into sleep.
"You are obviously not a girl who goes to rock concerts on a school night so why did you come the other day?"
If I wasn't half asleep I wouldn't have answered him. I might have come up with some sort of lie. But since he has kept me up for the past hour I have no connection to my brain.
"I thought a rock concert was a good place to lose my virginity." I say slurring my words as if I'm drunk.
He doesn't laugh thank god, even though I'm falling into the depths of sleep I would still be humiliated tomorrow morning by his laugh. "What the hell was going through your mind when you thought you wanted to lose your virginity with a stranger at a rock concert?" He asks with amusement.
"Hey you can't get mad because you were that stranger. Besides like I told you last night, I revoke my interest. I realized that I want to lose it to someone I love."
Too bad that someone is Lucas. It will take forever to fall in love with someone else not that I want to. Oh god what am I going to do? I want to lose my v-card to someone I love but the only person I love is Lucas. He has a girlfriend and I don't have the skills to seduce him!
"That's ridiculous." He scoffs.
"What is?" I ask curiously.
"This stupid idea of yours. That you want to give your virginity to someone you love as if it's some precious jewel or some shit. Hate to tell you this but true love doesn't exist. That's just a bull shit lie for guys to tell their girls when they fuck up so the girls will trust them again. I think you should lose your virginity to someone who can teach you right for future help. I lost mine to my dad's secretary, haven't seen her since. Plus she has taught me how to blow a girls mind."
"You're just saying that so I'll give it to you." I giggle. Gosh I really need to go to sleep. "But sorry Bash, I believe in love, maybe not true love or soul mates but I do believe in love. And I am going to give a part of myself to the person I love because that is what love is. Giving a part of you to someone, even if it's the biggest part."
Bash laughs but it contains no humor. "You are going to get your heart broken one day Sadie."
"I only get it broken if I give it to someone. And giving your heart to someone is always worth it."
"You live in a made up world in your head, you know that?"
"No, I think you do." I say slipping into sleep.
That's the last thing I remember before I'm living in my 'made up world' of love with Lucas.

This Love ✔️
Roman pour AdolescentsBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...