This Concert
"That will be twenty dollars." The woman behind the glass window tells me. She has bright red hair that turns into the blue at the ends. She truly looks like a raccoon with the amount of eye liner she's wearing but according to everyone else she looks good.
I hand her the money and in return she hands me a ticket. Printed on the ticket is 'Abnormal feat. The Buckets'. I have to say that these people are terrible with band names.
I walk to the front door where the same large man from the night before is standing. While I hand him the ticket his eyes rake over my body slowly all the way from my worn out black converse to my ripped jean shorts to the leather jacket that I took from my sister's old room. Once he draws an 'X' on my hand I don't waste any time in running past him.
He gave me the creeps yesterday and he's giving me the creeps tonight. I take a deep breath trying to calm the jumping nerves in my body but it doesn't help because a waft of alcohol and something else fills my nostrils. I don't know what the other smell is but I know for certain there's a large amount of strong alcohol in here.
In front of the stage is a large amount of people, about the same amount as last night. Except this crowd looks less scary. The crowd last night had all piercings, tattoos, and crazy colored hair. This one isn't as intimidating.
The concert has already started. Four people are standing on the stage running around and nodding their heads while playing their instruments.
I have to say this music is actually good, they aren't screaming like last night. This one has more of an actual beat to dance around. Before I know what I'm doing I'm joining the mass crowd of people gathered in front of them. I nod my head along with the rest of the room enjoying the music. They sound like Blink-182 or The Offspring.
I surprise myself by smiling, actually smiling. I can't help but dance like crazy and shake my head along with everyone else. Sure I've listened to music like this but it didn't really have the drums like they do now. The drums just bring it all together in sense that makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs.
"Hey you came." A deep voice says next to me.
I turn to see a guy standing next to me. A smirk spread across his lips and his dark hair hanging over his eyes.
"Surprised?" I ask Bash loudly so he can hear me over the music.
"Not in the slightest. I was just wondering where you were because the concert started forty minutes ago."
"Right, well finding a parking spot was a bítch." I laugh although he probably can't hear it.
"It looks like you've been having a fun time." He raises his eyebrow which has a piercing in it. I guess I never noticed that last night, I'm not very observant.
"Have you been watching me?" I ask with a smile. I don't know why but the thought of him watching me is exciting.
"Only since the beginning of this song. Don't worry I'm not that creepy."
"That's good to know." I tell him with a flirtatious smile. Why couldn't I be flirty with Lucas?
Bash takes a step towards me wrapping an arm around my waist. I was expecting it but I was still caught off guard when he smashes his lips to mine.
Just like last night, his lip ring is cold against my mouth but it tastes good. Like alcohol. My hands twist through his hair as his hands tighten on my waist.
I'm too caught up in the moment to care about the crowd of people around us.
I'm lost in my own hormones when his tongue dives into my mouth. Before I had the obsessive dreams about Lucas I always thought making out was gross. I mean having each someone else's tongue in your mouth is unsanitary and not attractive. Now if I could laugh at my past self than I would.
Suddenly I'm being knocked hard into Bash from behind. We both stumble a bit before we regain our composure.
We were too busy to notice that the crowd turned into a giant mosh pit. Not the greatest idea to be making out next to them.
"What the fuck dude." Bash lets go of me and yells behind me. I turn to see who he's yelling at, a man around his age who's obviously beyond wasted.
"Sorry man, didn't mean to touch your girlfriend." He slurs over his words. I would have corrected him if it weren't for the look on Bash's face. His eyes are hardened into anger and his hands are clenched into white fists.
Before I can try to stop him Bash raises his hand, ready to throw it at the man. But before it can connect with his face a hand jumps out and grabs Bash's shoulder pulling him back.
I recognize him from the front door, he's the man who was checking me out. The large man dressed in a black t-shirt whispers something in Bash's ear.
It obviously had some sort of effect on him because Bash struggles out of the man's hold and walks out the doors to cold dark night.
Well that was weird.
I stand there awkwardly by myself. I don't feel like dancing anymore, there's no point if Bash isn't here. The bouncer I assume he is, walks briskly by me to stand by the front door again. He doesn't go outside though, he just stands inside watching the crowd.
Maybe tonight wasn't supposed to happen. I mean some of my sexual frustrations are gone thanks to Bash.
What was I thinking trying to lose my virginity with a complete stranger. He could have AIDS or a girlfriend for all I know!
'I am such a whore,' I think to myself as I look around the dark and smelly room.
I don't belong with these people. I'm the type of girl who wears jeans and a t-shirt every day, sometimes leggings when I'm feeling courageous. I most certainty am not the type of girl who should be at a rock concert, wearing leather jacket and very short shorts.
Scrutinizing myself, I leave the sweaty crowd and walk out the front doors. The cold air whips against my legs immediately making goose bumps appear. This is why I don't wear shorts! I'm most likely going to get a cold now. Way to go Sadie!
I turn down the street in the direction of my car which is a few blocks away. I swear it was the only place that I could park that was in light and not hidden away in darkness. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to park far away in a dangerous part of town. Granted the place I parked was in the more safer part because I was afraid of someone stealing my car. Now I'm afraid of someone stealing me.
I try to run from street light to street light in hopes of monsters in the dark grabbing me.
As I chastise myself again for my all around stupid idea I hear some hollering behind me. I turn around to see two men chatting up some girls. I let out a sigh of relief when I realize that they weren't talking to me. This is until one of the men with long blonde hair that is pulled behind his ears makes eye contact with me.
His lips turn into a sick crooked smile that makes my stomach turn. In an instant I'm turned around walking faster than before.
I hear footsteps behind me getting closer. They sound rushed like the person is jogging to keep up with me. As I speed up I turn my head slightly to see the blonde man actually jogging to keep up.
On instinct my legs pump faster along with my heart so I'm zooming down the dark street. The man calls after me telling me to stop. As if I would listen to him.
Stupid me for coming here. Stupid Bash for leaving me. Stupid me for dressing like a slut. Stupid Lucas for making me come here. Stupid hormones for making me do crazy stuff.
I scold myself in my head as I run down the street in my age old converse.
Finally I stop hearing the pad of the footsteps on the sidewalk. Still I keep running in fear of him or someone else grabbing me when I least suspect it.
A couple minutes later I successfully see my car with no scratch on it or myself. As I get closer my body tenses up. I'm not sure why but I think it's because I know I'm being watched.
I knew I didn't out run that guy! Now he's here to rape me and kill me. Oh god, oh god, I'm going to die.
"You're going to get run over." A raspy voice calls from the shadows of the building in front of my car.

This Love ✔️
Teen FictionBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...