"Miss. Worchester, how many times do I have to tell you to put your phone away?"
"How many times do people have to tell you to stop spending your salary and drugs?"
Mrs. Wolf's face becomes red, with either embarrassment or anger, and turns away to help another student.
I look to Quinn, quite use to her brutal honesty. She's leaning over her phone with a hint of a smile playing at her lips.
"Let me guess," I muse, putting down my pencil, "Mason is sending you dirty texts?"
She looks up to me, the first time all class, and shakes her head. "Nah, Bash is telling me a funny story."
She turns back to her phone and doesn't see the expression on my face. I'm assuming it matches my feelings which bad. "Oh."
For the rest of the period I try to focus on my sketch but I can't focus on anything other than Quinn's giggles and her thumbs tapping against the glass.
Finally the bell rings and I look down to see that I have only drawn a fraction of the piece. Frustrated, I rip the piece of paper from my sketch book and crumple it up as students eagerly rush out the door for lunch.
"Why did you do that," Quinn asks curiously.
I stand up from the table, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "I messed up."
Without her response I walk out the door towards the cafeteria. Hopefully today Mary Jane has gotten over her bad attitude and will finally sit with me. It's been four days since we've last spoken and since I last saw Bash when he picked up Quinn because today is now Tuesday. Ever since then I have been granted with a very bad view on everything. It might have to do with Bash's yet again cold shoulder or Mary Jane's and Ella new seating arrangements in the cafeteria. Oh and Mary Jane's cold shoulder too. I'm starting to think people take too much pleasure in ignoring me.
Lucas on the other hand has given up trying to apologize. I notice the begging stares still in class but he no longer approaches me anymore which at the moment is a weight of my shoulders.
When I reach the cafeteria the first thing I notice is Mary Jane and Ella are sitting at an already crowded table just like yesterday when I was forced to eat by myself.
Ella spots me and gives me a slow shake of her head while she looks at me with guilt. If she's so guilty then why is she taking Mary Jane's side?
I spin on my heel towards the hallway again. I guess I'm going to be skipping lunch today seeing as I cant even stand to be in there with them again.
As I turn the corner I nearly run into someone before they jump out of the way.
"I was just looking for you." I look up to see Quinn looking at me with an all knowing stare. "C'mon," she grabs my hand, "We're going out to eat."
The restaurant smells amazing and shares the same quality in looks as well. Colorful paintings are spread around the room and lanterns are strung up.
"Where did you find this place?" I ask Quinn who is once again to busy texting Bash to look up.
"I didn't. Bash did."
Of course.
"What can I get for you ladies?" Asks a young waiter when he stops in front of our table.
I open my mouth to tell him what I want but Quinn stops me.
"We'll have five bacon breakfast burrito's with a plate of nacho's."
The waiter looks at us confused, probably by the amount of burrito's Quinn ordered, but nods his head none the less and goes on his way.
"Why five? And I didn't want a breakfast burrito. It's lunch," I tell Quinn who has finally set aside her phone on the table.
She leans against the table, takes a sip of her water through the straw, and speaks up. "The band's eating with us and Bash suggested the breakfast burrito the first time he took me here. It's amazing and you'll love it. Plus it's really cheap or are you to snooty to eat anything that's less than four dollars?"
The band is coming? Does the include Bash? Well of course it does! Does he know I'm here with Quinn? I mean he hasn't been replying to any of the messages I've sent him over the weekend. I thought we made up but I guess not.
I swear he is the most bi polar person ever.
"Maybe I didn't want it though," I mutter as I stir my water.
"Well to bad," she retorted.
The booth falls into silence as I mentally prepare myself to see Bash again.

This Love ✔️
Novela JuvenilBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...