This New Girl
Bash ended up making a makeshift bed on the floor at the end of my bed.
By the time I woke up he was already gone. But of course he didn't bother cleaning up the mess he made.
I had no time to properly fold the blankets up so I just threw them on top of my bed. Hopefully my mom wouldn't care.
I rushed to get to school on time, skipping a shower and a nutritious breakfast. When I left for school, five minutes later than I should have, my Dad had already left for work and my mother had left to have breakfast with my grandmother.
My tires screech as they pull into the parking spot that of course was as far away from the school as possible. This day was not starting off well.
I plop into my seat in English class five minutes late earning a glare from my teacher.
"You're never late." Mary Jane whispers to me from across the aisle.
"I didn't get much sleep last night." I pull out a sheet of paper and pencil for the daily quiz. Last night thanks to the presence of a certain tattooed boy I went to sleep a lot later than I should have. I spent a lot of precious time debating whether or not I should've let Bash sleep in my bed while I took a guest room. But I didn't want to risk my Mom walking in to my room in the morning to find a stranger sleeping in her daughters bed.
"You have ten minutes." The teacher sits down in his desk at the front of the room.
He might say ten minutes but he really means five, he's an ass.
"God that essay killed me." Mary Jane groans beside me.
"I feel like Mr. Gold hates our class, that's why he gave us that prompt."
"Seriously!" She agrees with me. "I mean how are you supposed to find a symbol or theme of Ariostle's Poetics? That doesn't even make sense!"
We walk out of the science room together both tired from the essay we had to write in AP literature.
"But ignore the ass hat of Mr. Gold, let's talk about what happened in science." Mary Jane nudges me with her shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I see the seductive look on her face.
I blush thinking about Lucas talking to me in science. We didn't do much in class because we had a sub so he came over to my table and spoke to me almost the entire time. He kept going off about how thankful he is that I'm going to tutor him now, although I thought he would be ashamed of failing history. He even brought up the idea of having me tutor him for physics, which I know he has a good enough grade in. By the end of the period he made me give him my number so we could set up a study schedule.
"It's nothing." I mumble but can't hide the smile that spreads across my face.
"It was not nothing, I know that." Mary Jane scoffs beside me. "But tell us all the details during lunch okay?"
I nod right before I turn into my art classroom. There are six metal tables spread across the room. I take my assigned seat at the table in the back corner.
The first ten minutes of class goes by quickly until the door swings open to reveal the girl in the bathroom from the day before. She's wearing a black leather jacket over a ripped white shirt that has a skull on it. Her bright red hair falls down to her waist. She can definitely pull of the biker chick look.
"And who are you?" My old hippie teacher asks.
"Quinn Chapman." She forces a smile.
"Oh you're the new student!" Mrs. Wolf claps her hands together excitedly.
Quinn nods her head slowly, looking at her as if she has two heads.
"You were supposed to be here yesterday I thought?" Mrs. Wolf looks at her curiously.
Instead of replying Quinn asks, "Can I just sit wherever?"
Mrs. Wolf, the nicest lady I've ever met, looks taken back her tone. "Uh- you sit at the back table next to Paul, William, and Sammy."
Quinn starts walking towards our table with a scowl written on her face. She throws her bags down on the table in one angry move.
When her eyes land on me they widen just a bit. "You're the girl from the bathroom yesterday weren't you?"
"Uh yeah, I am." I shyly respond. I wasn't expecting for her to remember.
"Thanks for that I guess. I wouldn't want to get kicked out of this school my first day huh?" She asks in a sarcastic tone.
I laugh which surprises her a little. "I'm Sadie by the way." I offer her a smile.
"I thought your name was Sammy?" She asks confused.
I roll my eyes. "Mrs. Wolf took too many drugs when she was younger, she can't remember a damn thing."
"I hope I don't turn out that way." She looks at the teacher with a scared face. I laugh once again. It seems I laugh at everything.
"So you're new?" I try to start a conversation.
"Yeah, poor old daddy thought sending me to America would straighten me out better than boarding school would." She rolls her eyes.
She seems like the type of girl who would be sent to boarding school.
"Well I hope you like it here. I personally think it's better than boarding school but that's just my opinion." I shrug.
She lets out small laugh. "You know for looking so bore you're pretty cool."
"Um thanks?"
I let her know that she needs a sketch book for this class but for today I rip out a piece of paper from my own. It's a different sketch book than the one Bash was looking through the night before, this one has no drawings of Lucas thank god.
We make small talk for the rest of the period, ignoring the other two boys at the end of the table. I invite her to sit with me and my friends during lunch which she hesitantly agrees to. She says she only accepts because she didn't bring a pack of cigarettes with her today.
For looking so intimidating she's actually pretty nice. She doesn't say anything bad about me or any other students, only about Mrs. Wolf, but that's understandable. After I finish my quick drawing of Audrey Hepburn, Quinn tells me repeatedly about how good it is. It reminds me of last night with Bash, come to think of it Bash and Quinn are a lot alike.
At the end of the class Quinn shows me her drawing. It's a simple drawing of a sugar skull face on a girl, but it's really good.
"How did you learn how to draw like that?"
Quinn shrugs. "I've always wanted to be a tattoo artist so I spent most of my early teen years hanging out at a tattoo shop. I learned from the best." She winks. "How did you learn how to draw like that?"
"My grandpa." I smile. "He was a great photographer, he would mostly take pictures of people so when I was a kid I used to spend my summers with him and my grandma. After he took a picture of somebody he would have me draw them from the photograph since I was so bored all the time. I got really good really fast."
Quinn only grunts in response, obviously bored with the conversation.

This Love ✔️
Teen FictionBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...