I rush through the hallway in hopes he will be there before I do. But of course he isn't. He rarely ever is because he walks Lacy to her next class so he's usually late to this one.
I tap my fingers on the desk patiently waiting for class to start and for Lucas to come in.
While I wait I let myself think about tonight. Convincing myself took all of last night and all of this morning up until science with Lucas again when I had the perverted day dreams again. But surprisingly not all of them were of Lucas. They were of Bash but I wouldn't let them last long. As soon as I realized I was all hot and bothered by a guy covered in tattoos and piercings I cleared my mind of him. Well tried too.
I know that I have the freedom to think of Bash that way but I couldn't help but feel that I was cheating on Lucas even though I'm not actually with him. My mind is strictly for Lucas and Lucas only. Bash can't take that too, he's of no importance like Lucas is.
"Okay for the warm up pull out your textbooks and read the rest of the chapter from yesterday and answer the questions." Mr. Patrick, an old balding man says in front of the room.
The entire class groans, including Lucas, while I try to hide the smile on my face. History is by far my favorite subject. I want to be a history major in college actually and might even be a teacher. Mr. Patrick actually inspired me to be one because he's so passionate about it and he even made me passionate about history. So I thought that if he could change some kids lives than I could too.
Within half an hour I'm done while other students are just now finishing question 1. To be fair I've always been a quick reader.
Another ten minutes pass before Mr. Patrick stops his walk around the room and walks to the front board. "Okay so if you didn't finish the questions they're homework but it looks like everyone finished reading the chapter so we're going to go over it." He says sitting down in his swivel chair in front.
"This chapter was about the counter culture, or as a lot of you are saying, the druggie days. Anyways the counter culture was known as a lot of things. Can you name a few."
Kids call out different names when Mr. Patrick calls on them, not all of them correct.
He continues to discuss the chapter in greater detail than it did in the book. I listen intently as other students doodle and whisper around me.
"Now we don't have much time but I want to tell you that you're homework for the weekend is to write a five paragraph essay about what you think about the war. There is no right or wrong answer, what I'm looking for is the passion and the true opinion. Pretend you're someone from that decade, either you're anti-war, protesting and doing sit-ins, or you're a politician and strongly disagree. Just let your writing show what you truly believe and know. That's what I'm grading on. For the next ten minutes finish the questions and turn it in on my desk."
Since I finished my questions I go up to the front of the room to start a stack along with a few other kids. "Great job Sadie, looking forward to your essay." Mr. Patrick tells me with a smile as I place the paper on his desk.
"Looking forward to writing it Mr. Patrick." I smile back and walk back to my desk to start my essay.
I write my heading and topic sentence when a feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Lucas has taken up the empty seat behind me.
His hazel eyes are bright underneath the curtain of brown locks. "Can you help me with this? I wasn't here on Monday or Tuesday." His velvet voice fills my ears, sounding as perfect as I always remembered. It's not too often we talk anyways.
So like I said he does know who I am. He should because we went to the same middle school and have been in a lot of the same classes together. I'm pretty used to his random conversations with me but they still make my day.
"Uh yeah, what question are you on?" I look down to his sheet of paper which only has a few of the answers filled out.
"Number four. 'On what college campus did a 'massacre' of students occur? How many died on how?'"
He should really know this. Mr. Patrick went over it for thirty minutes the other day. "The answer is Ohio State and four students. What happened was that soldiers fired into a group of protesters that were students but two of the students weren't a part of the group, they were just walking by."
Lucas looks up from writing on his paper. "How did you know that without looking it up?"
"Mr. Patrick has told us about it numerous times Lucas," I say behind a giggle.
"I know but it's so hard to remember," he whines burying his face into his hands. "I'm definitely going to fail the test next week."
I know it's mean but I can't help but laugh more. He looks so adorable whining like a little kid. "Are you laughing at me?" He asks raising his head with a smile on his face.
"I think I have something that might help you with this question." I hold up a finger and rummage through my bag to get my phone. I scroll through my music and press the song that I want to play for him.
"What is this?" He asks listening to the intro of the song.
"It's a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. It's about the shooting." The lyrics come up as soon as I'm done talking.
Tin soldiers
Nixon's coming
We're finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio
Four dead in Ohio
The song continues to play but I stop it early because we don't have much time left. "You should listen to it more so you can remember." I say putting my phone back into my bag.
"Thank you so much Sadie! You're a life saver. Now if only there was a song for the whole war." He stands up and after giving me a smile he goes back to his desk.
The bell rings a few seconds later signaling the end of the period. I haul my bag up my shoulder and push through the crowd to get to the locker room for gym with a spring to my step.
If it weren't for Ella and Lucas being in my gym class than I don't think I would ever go.
I'm one of the first few to arrive but am followed shortly by Ella.
"Do you know what we're doing today D?" Ella asks opening her locker from across the room and pulling out her gym clothes.
I shake my head even though she has her back turned to me. "Is there any point in asking?"
Ella laughs and says, "True."
"We're going to the baseball game on Saturday right?" Ella asks me as we walk out the double doors of the school an hour later.
I have no clue why she asked that because I would sell my foot and arm to go to that game. Lucas is playing which isn't abnormal. The only reason I like to go, other than that I get to see Lucas, is I get to see Lucas in those tight pants.
"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world," I sing.
"Hmm I wonder why that is." She gives me a teasing smile as we split up going our own ways to our cars.
As soon as I get home I prepare myself to lose my virginity.

This Love ✔️
Teen FictionBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...