Pleas go read my new story called "Racing Heart"!!! I put up the prologue and the blurb and I'm working on the first couple chapters:) so please go check it out!:)
Oh and for the readers that don't live in the US please check out the above video cause than you will be more educated in American politics and comedy at once!;)
"I'm just going to stop for some gas, we're running low," Lucas tells me. He starts to pull the car into an old sketchy looking gas station.
"Okay, be careful," I say wearingly, eyeing the group of older serial killer looking men hanging by the door.
Lucas shoots me a killer smile. "You don't have to worry about me Sadie." He opens his door to get out, spots the two men then turns back to me without a trace of a smile. "But if something does happen I have my set of baseball bats in the backseat. Use the metal one."
"Will do," I mutter after he jumps out of the car, leaving me alone in the sketchy parking lot, "on you maybe."
I take the free time to pull my phone out of my pocket. I felt a text come in about ten minutes ago but I didn't bother to check it in front of Lucas because it could only be two people. Either my sister because neither of my parents like texting or Bash and if it was Bash I wasn't going to take the chance to let Lucas accidently read a dirty text from him is he sent one, because well come on, it's Bash, he would do that.
Sure enough when I open the message it read's from 'BASHER, BASHER, THE PANTY SNASHER'. Yes I changed his name in my phone but only so I could take a picture of it and send it to my sister who thought it was very fitting and hilarious. I don't have a reason for not turning it back though, I seem to like it too much and I'm too lazy.
'What are you doing tonight Blondie?'
I type back a quick reply.
'Or me? ;)'
"You roll your eyes a lot," comes a voice, nearly making me scream.
I look up to see Lucas poking his head in the driver side window. "Only when I'm talking to idiots."
"Hey, you roll your eyes at me a lot," he defends.
"You're an exception?" I try with a fixed smile.
"That's what I thought," he nods his head triumphantly and walks back to his gas tank.
'Homework sounds more appealing.'
'You weren't saying that yesterday.'
'I'm pretty sure we never spoke about homework, especially during sex.'
'Oh damn. I love it when you text dirty to me;)' He makes sure to add a bunch of emoji's that when put together make for a very adult rated text.
'That's not ever going to happen.'
'Fine.' Another text comes in from him. 'How was your day?'
'Are you so bored that you're asking me how my day was? Can't you get a date with your hand?'
'That was rude Blondie. I was curious, not bored. Do you really think that low of me?'
I sigh and lean my head against the back of the headrest. Was I mean? Bash is so bi-polar that I can't ever catch up with his moods.
'Depends, do have your hands down your pants right now?'
'Do you want me to?;)'
A giggle escapes my throat. He can never keep his dirty thoughts to himself. Just to mess with him I send him one more text before putting my phone on silent.
'No... I want my hand down your pants right now;)'
"What are you giggling about," Lucas asks once he slides into the car and revs the engine.
I shrug and fix my stare out the car window. "Just texting my sister."
"Are you two close?"
"Kind of, not really ever since she moved to New York." I turn back to look at him, trying my best not to get lost in the lines of his jaw. "What about you? You said you had a brother, are you close to him?"
He shrugs but never takes his eyes off the road. "Not recently no."
"But you used to? What changed?"
"We did." He gives me a sideways glance then focuses back ahead. "We both grew up and became different people. I don't seem much of him anymore, ever hardly really."
"I'm sorry, he's family, it's never fun to lose family, in any sense."
"Have you lost family?" He asks curiously.
I nod my head once before turning to look back out the window. "My Grandpa, last May. He died of a heart attack."
"I'm sorry," Lucas says sympathetically. I feel his hands entangle with mine and I graciously accept them.
I agreed to give him another chance as long as we took it slow, starting off as friends but right now it seems that we're breaking some sort of rule.
"Do you miss him," he says softly.
"Every day," my voice cracks with the emotion that is starting to bubble up inside of me. "He was my best friend."
"That must be very hard on you, I'm so sorry Sadie."
"My Dad took it the hardest I think. He was closer to his Dad than I was obviously and once he died, well my Dad pulled into himself. He spends more time at work than ever before, is only home to sleep at night and sometimes he doesn't even do that. He thinks that since my Dad gave him his job it's the only piece of him left."
"You know I have a theory," Lucas speaks up.
I turn to him intrigued and confused by his comment. "A theory?"
"Well really it's my Dads theory. It's something he would always tell me when I was younger."
"What is it," I ask softly.
"That people are put onto this earth to do something. Affect or change something or someone in some way for the better. And they die because they finished what they had to do here and have a new job up there." Lucas takes the time to look over at me with soft eyes and a warming heart. "You're Grandpa obviously affected you and others in great ways, he did what he had to do."
Tears fall freely from my cheeks and my throat is so closed up that I can't say any words.
Lucas pulls to the side of the barren road, trees on either side of us. He unbuckles both of us and pulls me into a hug.
"Thank you," I sob into his shoulder.
Ever since my Grandpa died I have been confused and hurt by his departure. I never got to say goodbye to him, I never got to see his smile one last time, or kiss his cheek again. I've always wondered why someone as great and caring as my Grandpa, a loving husband, a hard working father, and the most caring friend could leave me so soon, he wasn't even eighty yet. But Lucas's words have patched that hole inside my chest that has been there for so long. I needed to hear those words more than I knew.
Bash might be hot as all hell with experience in aspects that make my body crave him. But Lucas is more than just a pretty face, he has a warm and open heart, he truly cares for me. I might be addicted to Bash but I'm in love with Lucas.
And sure I'm a high school senior who doesn't know what real love could possibly be. But I do. Love is when it hurts so bad but it feels so good. Love is when even on the worst days it can make you smile. Love is hard working, love is stressful, love hurts. Damn does it hurt, but it's worth it for moments like these. When you're sitting in a cramped car, curled up against the one you love who doesn't even know you feel about him the way you do, with tears running down your cheeks, and your heart wide open. This love is what I want.
Tell me what you guys think of this chapter! and yes I was in an inspiration lovey mood haha I don't know why so don't ask;)But what do you think of Lucas and Sadie now??

This Love ✔️
Teen FictionBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...