20: This Tutoring Session

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A photo of Lucas above^^^
francisco lachowski!
Who wouldn't love him madly for 6 years?

I love hearing your guys' comments, I just don't have time to respond to them:( but I will now!

This Tutoring Session

"I think I have an idea as to how you're failing your classes," I tell Lucas as I observe him.

"One, I'm not failing, I'm almost failing. There's a difference and two; I want to hear your hypothesis."

After spending the past hour trying and failing to teach him physics I'm surprised he even knows the word hypothesis.

"Well for one you're swinging right now while you're supposed to be studying," I point out.

He looks at me strangely and says, "I don't get it."

"I think if you actually study and not play around on a child's play ground then you would get good grades." I huff.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with Lucas and I want to have a million babies with him but I would not want him to teach my children. When he suggested to tutoring in the park I thought it was for the sunny day, instead it was for his own amusement. He's been on the swings for the past twenty minutes while I've been glaring at his moving form. He even asked me to push him once.

He jumps off the swing set in mid-air and barely lands on his feet. He gains his balance and walks over to me with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry Sadie," he admits, "You've been kind enough to help tutor me for free and I'm just being a total jerk off."

I can't help but forgive him since I'm just a very forgiving person, especially since he also has a small pout on his lips and his hands are stuffed into his pockets and his shoulders are drooped low.

I sigh and admire his beautiful innocence. "It's okay Lucas."

He smirks just a bit and says, "I promise I will sit down and study with you until the sun goes down on one condition."

"Which is?"

The sun blares down around us but the slight breeze helps with the heat. One negative thing about wearing a dress today was that its windy meaning that I have to be clutching the hem of my dress constantly so it won't fly up in the air and I won't flash people.

I'm very conscious of the little kids crowding the park as a little boy rushes over to the free swing that Lucas had just gotten off of. Frankly the whole swing set was empty thanks to Lucas, apparently he's not a very approachable person for kids.

"Go down the slide with me." His bright blue eyes light up with excitement like a little kid does on Christmas morning which I suppose is pretty much the same thing, if only Lucas was ten years younger.

I look to jungle gym of colorful metal bars and ropes and towers that is covered in screaming laughing kids. I don't hate kids but having to be around them for the past hour has taken a toll on my brain.

Still I can't pass up the hopeful smile on Lucas's face.

Sighing I say, "fine."

"Good," he chirps. He grabs my hand, not my wrist or my arm but my hand, actually entangles my fingers with his and just the small action has my heart beating out of my chest.

He leads me through the crowd of children as he patiently waits for them to move out of his path on the small playground, all the while I'm gasping for breath and my eyes don't leave our connecting hands.

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