Don't freak out okay? Everything will be just fine:)
I arrive at the police station fifteen minutes later, after telling Nathan and Sarah that Sebastian's bike broke down. They seemed to have believed me pretty easily seeing as they wanted to be alone.The call from Sebastian came from forty five minutes ago and I was really upset that I had missed it.
I've never been to the town police station even though I've lived here my entire life and the town was fairly small. It was remolded three years ago after the other one burned down, that's all I know. Rumor has it that it's cursed for anyone who steps foot in it.
I ignore the stupid folk tale and follow the secretary into the holding cells into the back.
"You'll have to wait a bit," she grumbles before spinning on her five inch heels and sauntering back into the lobby.
I realize why she said that once I see an older man with a shaved head sitting in front of Sebastian's cell as he talks to him.
I want to sneak in closer to know what they're talking about but I know it's nothing good from Sebastian's body language.
His hair is sticking up all over, showing me that he's been running his fingers though it. His bottom lip is pulled between his teeth in worry and I can't help but noticed his bruised cheek. His fists are clenched in his lap and even his eyes are wet with unshed tears.
I want to run into his arms immediately but I know the intimidating man sitting in front of him won't allow that. Besides, he's locked behind a wall of bars.
A police man passes by me, gently saying, "Excuse me m'am." He walks towards Sebastian catching both him and the stranger's attention. "You can go now."
"But how? The bail..." Sebastian asks confused.
"Your girlfriend came," the police officer says as he unlocks the cell.
Sebastian's eyes meet mine in a wave of shock then guilt.
His attention turns back to the stranger when he holds out his hand to shake. "It's always a pleasure to see you Sebastian," his voice is deep and scratchy but formal. "I hope you make the right decision. You know how to contact me," he says before turning around to face me. His eyes are hard as stone, as well as his body it seems like it. He doesn't cast me any look in my direction, only walking briskly past me.
"Goodbye Major," Sebastian says before the man walks through the door.
"Sebastian," I run to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and sinking my face into his shirt. "What happened," I mumble against is chest.
He sighs deeply and continues to rub his hand up and down my back. "I ran into Chase at the store."
I gasp and pull away from him. "What did you do?"
"I tried to hold back Sadie," he begs me to understand, "I did but then he started saying things about you."
"Like," I wait for him to continue.
"How you were so similar to your Mom and how he wished he slept with you, not her."
"Oh Sebastian," I cry. "You know he was only trying to make you mad. Why would you fall for that?"
"I don't know but it fucking worked," he sighs deeply. "Can we just go home?"
I nod my head and take his hand, leading him out of the police station. "Where's your bike," I ask him when he slides into my car beside me.
"At the store still. Can we go get it," he asks.
"Of course," I say and pull out of the parking lot.

This Love ✔️
Dla nastolatkówBoring. That is one word to describe Sadie Jefferson's life. She goes to school, is on the honor roll, has two best friends, comes from a wealthy family, and is secretly in love with Lucas Favero, who doesn't know she even exists. It's the beginnin...