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The running man comes on and I walk to my car that's parked in the Neighborhood. I get in my car once again placing my handbag on the passenger seat.

I turn on my car and head home.

I finally pull up to my house noticing a black car in my driveway which isn't my dads..I decide to block to car in when I notice someone in my porch but can't take a good look who it is.

I turn off my car and get out swinging my bag around my shoulder. I walk up slowly to my porch.

"Eli is that you?" I notice his mohawk standing tall

"Yea sorry for showing up unexpected but I just wanted to check up on you" Eli sounds worried

"What for? Oh right ahahah" I come to realization of what Eli meant

"Want to come in?" I insert my key in the door

I unlock my door walking in holding the door open for Eli as he walks in right behind me, I shut my door close looking to the kitchen where Eli is sitting down in the kitchen stool.

"Want anything to drink?" I open the top cabinet tippy toeing reaching for some cups

"Water is good" Eli says blankly

"You okay?" I set the cups down on the counter while I open the fridge for the water pitcher

I slide his up to him while pouring the cold water in his cup

"Of course why wouldn't I?" He grabs the cup and tilts it in the air as a sign of thankful as he lifts his eyebrows up

"So any plans for the weekend?" I put back the pitcher in the fridge

"Well I got my car out the shop so maybe just hit some places up with the guys" He sets his cup down

"So out of all the times I let you drive my car when are you gonna let me drive yours?" I lean on the counter offering him the request of driving his car

"Yea never gonna happen princess" He chuckles

Here goes the same knot in the pit of stomach, my knees tensing up, my chest getting hot, I can feel my breathing getting heavier just at the thought of the pet name Eli just called me.


I take a big sip from cup filled water chugging it down trying to see if the cold water would make my body react out of its state in shock.

"Oh come on? not even to the cabin?" I set my cup down

"Hm?" He looks at me confused choking on his water

"Right we'll I think the group will be over so we can talk about the-" I get cut off by someone walking through the front door

In comes the gang arguing of god knows what

"Speak of the devil, incoming" Eli and I smile at each other

"You know I have a doorbell right?" I say loudly while everyone crowds in the kitchen

"I mean I did text you we were on our way" Miguel says

I pull my phone out my purse which is on the seat besides me and to find out Miguel did text me.

"Right"  I tuck my lips

"Either way everyone's agreed on going it's just now we need to find who's car pooling with who"

We all discussing, arguing, agreeing on who's going with who. It turned into a whole brawl of teenagers fighting over car seats. In total it's 13 of us, from fighting to the car seats in a blink of an eye it turned into an argument of who's bunking with who.

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