Falling in love

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"Okay... Janette Manrara is it?" the lady in the office asked.

"Yes that's me!"

"Manrara? That's a cool last name!" Dianne said.

"Haha thanks!"

"Here is your timetable. You are in the same registration class as Dianne, so she can keep you right on where you are going."

"That's great!" I said looking at Dianne smiling.

"Lets go Janette, you don't want to be late on your first day!" Dianne said taking me by the arm and we walked to registration.

"Hi Miss! This is Janette, she's new!" Dianne said as we walked into the room.

"Hi Janette, I'm Miss Sinclair. Nice to meet you."

"Hi..." I said quietly looking down at my feet. I suddenly felt nervous.

"You don't have to be scared Janette, she's one of the good teachers!" Dianne said rubbing my shoulder.

"You can sit next to Dianne if you want."

"Okay." I said as me and Dianne took our seats. The rest of the class came in and a group of girls walked in and waved at Dianne.

"They are all my friends. I'll introduce you to them.  So there's Amy, Katya, Oti, Karen and Nadiya."

"Wow you have a lot of friends; I didn't have that many back home." I said quietly as I started to miss home.

"You okay Janette?" Dianne asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just miss home that's all."

"Where's home?

"Miami. I had to move here because my Dad got a new job here and he didn't want us to be separated."

"Ooh I bet it was lovely in Miami? Was it hot everyday?"

"Yeah most of the time! Would you believe I've never seen snow? I can't wait to see some in the UK. Where are you from Dianne? Your accent doesn't sound like you're from here."

"Well spotted! I'm from Australia, I moved here when I was 10. I wanted to pursue my dancing career and there isn't a lot of dancing opportunities in Australia, so I had to move here. I like it here though. Where are you next?"

"Um I have English with Mr Matthews."

"No way me too! I sit with Amy and Karen; you could probably sit with us."

I was so glad Dianne was in my English class. This school was a maze, and I knew it would take me ages to learn where everything was.

We got into English and Amy started asking me questions about Miami. I loved how quick I had made friends, I wondered why I had been so nervous this morning.

"Hey new girl, heads up!" a boy shouted and threw a scrunched-up piece of paper at me.

"Leave her alone AJ!" Amy shouted.

"Ignore him. He likes to think he's the class clown, but he's just an idiot." Karen said rolling her eyes.

I looked over and another boy caught my eye. He had short brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Who is that?" I asked Dianne.

"That's Aljaz. He's from Slovenia. He moved here a couple of months ago, so he was the newbie before you were."

"He's cute..." I said feeling my cheeks blushing.

"Ooh... Janette's got a crush on Aljaz!" Amy whispered.

"Amy shush!" I said laughing.

At lunchtime, Dianne's other friends came over and sat with us. They were all lovely and I knew I would get on with all of them. I stood up to go to the bathroom and turned around and bumped right into Aljaz.

"Oh sorry!" I said quickly.

"Don't worry about it! Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I said and quickly walked away. I couldn't believe I had just done that, he probably thought I was a right idiot!

I got into the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. I started to panic thinking I had just embarrassed myself in front of the whole school.

"Janette, where are you?" I heard Nadiya shout.

"I'm in here!" I shouted back.

"Are you okay? Me and the girls were going to go a walk and we couldn't find you. Dianne had said you were going to the bathroom."

"Yeah I'm okay." I said coming out of the stall wiping my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" She asked giving me a hug.

"I just embarrassed myself in front of Aljaz!" I said starting to cry again.

"Janette don't worry about it. He's just some boy!"

But I didn't think he was just some boy; I think I was falling in love with him!

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