The School Bully

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At the end of the day I walked home with Dianne and Amy, turns out they live really close to me!

"Bye Janette, see you tomorrow!" Dianne said as her and Amy walked away in the opposite direction.

"Bye girls!!" I said as I opened my front door.

"Hello sweetheart, how was school? It sounds like you've made some friends?"

"Hi Mum! Yeah I have! I met a girl called Dianne and she let me hang out with her and all her friends! They are all really nice and most of them are in the same classes as me!"

"That's great! I told you you had nothing to worry about!"

"I'm gonna go to my room, I have loads of homework to do!" I said as I ran up the stairs. I sat at my desk trying to do my homework but all I could think of was Aljaz, I'd never seen anyone as cute as him! I finally gave up on my homework as it wasn't due for a couple of days and started to get ready for bed. I did my skin care routine and sprayed my pillow with lavender mist that helps me sleep, I picked up my phone and put a white noise playlist on Spotify as I can't sleep in silence.

The next day I jumped out of bed and got ready for school. I never thought I would ever be this excited about going to school! I decided I would make a bit more effort with how I looked today in case I saw Aljaz again. I curled my hair and left it down and put a bit more make up on than yesterday.

"Bye Mum I'll see you later!" I said as I headed out the door and met up with Dianne and Amy.

"Ooh you look nice, who you trying to impress?" Amy said running her fingers through my curls.

"No one..." I said blushing and looking away.

"Aw this is for Aljaz isn't it?" Dianne said.

"No it's not. I just wanted to make a bit more effort today that's all."

"Janette, I have a boyfriend, I know what it looks like when you want a guy to notice you!"

"Well I didn't make an effort for anyone!"

As we got closer to the school gates I saw Aljaz and his friends gathered at the front, they looked like they were surrounding someone. We walked closer to see what was going on. Two of the boys from the group were beating another boy up.

"Hey leave him alone! I said running over to the group.

"What are you going to do about it new girl?" AJ said walking right up to me.

"What has he done to deserve this?" I asked which earned me a punch in the face. I held my hand to my face and looked at AJ, I couldn't believe he had hit a girl! How low did he have to be to do something like that?

"Oh my god Janette are you okay?" Amy asked as her and Dianne came running over.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm not bleeding am I?"

"No you've got a bruise starting though."

"Nothing a bit of make up won't fix. Let's go girls." I said walking away. I looked at Aljaz, I didn't think someone like him would let another boy do something like that.

"Janette what happened? Are you okay? Someone just told us there was a fight between you and AJ at the front of the school.Karen said walking towards us in the corridor.

"I wouldn't exactly call it a fight. AJ and his friends, including Aljaz were beating up another boy at the front on the school and I confronted him and well, you can guess the rest." I said pointing at my face.

"Right come to the bathroom, I have foundation that may match your skin tone, we'll get that bruise covered."

"I thought you said he was just a bit of a class clown, you never mentioned that he was a bully! I wouldn't have gotten involved if I knew he was capable of this!" I said starting to cry now we were in the bathroom and no one could see me.

"I've never seen him actually hit someone before, so I didn't think to mention it! Don't cry Janette, you'll ruin your eye makeup!" She said carefully wiping away my tears.

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