Finally Free

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I was so scared now that I knew Aljaz's Mum and Dad both wanted to hurt me, I mean I always had a feeling he was in on it too but now that I knew for sure I really didn't feel safe in here. I reached over and pushed the button again.

"You okay Janette?" Fiona asked.

"No Fiona I'm not! What if they come here to hurt me?!" I said shaking.

"Janette don't worry they aren't going to get anywhere near you, we will always have someone outside your room per your Mums request."

"That's not going to stop them! They'll find a way of getting in here!"

"Janette you're thinking like this because you're tired, I don't think you've slept since we brought you in here, try going to sleep!"

"Okay, I'm sorry Fiona!"

"Don't be sorry it's okay, just try and get some sleep and you'll feel much better!"

"Okay." I lay down and shut my eyes.

A couple of hours later I heard the door opening.

"Aljaz is that you?"

"No dear it's your Auntie and Uncle." A voice said.

"No it's not! My Auntie and Uncle live in Miami, you couldn't get here that quick!"

"Told you she's a clever girl didn't I?!" Aljaz's Mum said. I sat up in bed and tried to scream but she put her hand over my mouth before I could.

"Don't even think about doing that!" Aljaz's Dad warned. I started to cry and looked at them with panic in my eyes.

"How did you get in here? Where's Fiona?!"

"There's no security outside your door right now, they left you alone which means they clearly don't care about you as much as you think they do!"

"There's meant to be someone outside my room at all times! You do realise all I have to do is push that button and someone will come!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

"Don't threaten me!" I said trying to stand up for myself but I was so scared. "Why are you here anyway?"

"We just wanted to give you a little warning... you tell anyone where we are or that we were here, we will kill you and Aljaz!"

"You would seriously kill your own son? Wow you guys are messed up!!"

"Don't test us Janette! If you mention one thing about this conversation to anyone, that will be the last time you talk to anyone else!"

"Okay, okay! I won't say anything!!" I shouted starting to cry again.

All of a sudden the door flew open.

"This is the police! Step away from Janette!" Officer Milner shouted.

"You called them didn't you?!" Aljaz's Mum said putting her hands around my throat.

"Get off me!! I never did anything remember!! Let me go!" I shouted trying to get her hands away from my throat.

"I called them! Get your hands away from her!" Aljaz said coming towards us and pushing his Mum away from me.

"Why would you call the police on your parents?" His Dad asked.

"Because you were going to hurt Janette and I can't let that happen! I'll feel much safer knowing you two are going to be behind bars for a very long time for this!"

"Well I guess we don't have a son anymore!"

"That doesn't bother me! Not when my "parents" do something like this to the one girl that I care about!"

"Mr and Mrs Skorjanec I am arresting you for kidnapping and harming a young girl, also for covering evidence Mr Skorjanec, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not say anything when questioned, anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?" Officer Milner said putting handcuffs on Aljaz's Mum and Dad and taking them out of the hospital.

"Oh Janette!! Are you okay? Where was the Nurse?"

"I don't know!! I fell asleep for a couple of hours and then they showed up claiming to be my Aunt and Uncle. They said if I told anyone where they were they would kill both of us!"

"Well don't worry sweetheart, they aren't going to hurt us anymore! All you have to worry about now is getting better and getting out of here! You have nothing to be scared of when you get out!"

"Is everyone else here?" I asked.

"Yeah do you want them to come up?"

"Yeah I haven't seen everyone in a while! It feels like too long!"

"Okay I'll tell them to come up!"

"Just text them though! Don't go anywhere!"

"Don't worry Bučka! I'm not going anywhere! I'm never ever leaving your side again."

"Janette you're okay!!" Amy said running in the room.

"Hi everyone! It feels like so long since I've seen you all!" I said giving Amy a hug.

"It's been too long! I suggest we go on a huge holiday as soon as you're okay to get out of here!"

"Oh my god yes! Can we go to Australia?" Dianne shouted.

"No way! I am not sitting on a plane for twenty four hours!" AJ complained.

"What about Greece?" I suggested.

"Yes! I have the perfect bikini body to show off!" Katya said flirting with Giovanni.

"Ooh!!" Giovanni said.

"Guys... stop it! Janette's the centre of attention right now not you too!"

"When did you guys get together anyway? I feel like I've missed so much in here!"

"Just a couple of days ago!" Katya said kissing him.

"Well I'm happy for you two! Aljaz pass me my phone please? I better phone my Mum and Dad and let them know what's just happened.

"Of course baby. Do you want us to leave you alone for a while?"

"Just until I phone them, you can wait in the canteen. I'll text you all when I'm finished."

"Okay we'll be downstairs!"

As soon as I phoned my Mum she answered, almost as if she was waiting for me to call.

"Janette, are you okay?!" She shouted.

"Woah Mum calm down! I'm okay! I'm just phoning to let you know that Aljaz's Mum and Dad have been arrested, he was covering for her and they both came into my room and threatened me saying that if I mentioned this to anyone they would kill me but right at that moment Officer Milner came in and arrested them. I'm safe!!"

"Oh my darling baby girl! I'm so glad you're okay! But where was your security when all this was happening?! I thought I told them someone had to be outside your room at all times?!"

"I don't know but the main thing is I'm safe and nothing bad happened... well I'm alive that's the main thing!"

"Do you want us to come up?"

"It's up to you Mum, all my friends are here just now so I'm like the most popular person in the hospital!" I said laughing.

"Okay we'll be up in an hour or so! See you later sweetheart!"

"Bye Mum I love you!!"

I then texted Aljaz and told them to all come back up.

"Right when are we going on holiday then?" I said excitedly. We all sat in my room laughing and discussing our holiday plans.

A/N And that's the end of this story! I really hope you've liked it! I really enjoyed writing this one! I'm already planning a sequel but it may take a while! 💖

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