A Late Valentines Day Special

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Sorry guys I feel so slack for not uploading. It's partially because I got a new book called a court of sliver flames by Sarah j mass and I haven't been able to put it down. I hope the chapter makes it up for you guys. Again I'm so sorry for being slack

It was that time of the year.


Also known as the month of valentine's day. UA was holding a special event on campus to celebrate the day of love and even the week before the actual day decorations had already begun to be put up around school.

Even thought the day did have a real big impact on you anyway you helped out your fellow peers in hanging the festivities.

To put it bluntly, you had never had a boyfriend to celebrate valentine's day with and whenever the day came around you couldn't help but feel empty, like your heart was missing something everyone else had.

You still trudged through it though. It was only one day after all.


"So (Y/N), what are you doing for valentine's day." Uraraka asked as the all the class A girls sat on the common room couches.

"I don't know, nothing really". You replied with a bit of sorrow in your voice, dispite trying to hide it.

"Are you finally going to tell a certain someone how you feel" Ashido winked as she nudged your shoulder eagerly. Your face started turning bright red.

"W-w-what do you mean" you stammered as a certain ash blonde hothead was mentioned.

"Oh come on (Y/N), its sooo obvious you like him. You stare at him all the time and practically drool over him." Mina says again as your face turns brighter

"I-I-I do not Ashido" you squeal with embarrassment as you use your hands to cover your tomato face. There was a moment of silence before you talked again

"Besides, he probably doesn't like me at all, I mean look at me compared to him" you say and what you were saying was kinda true.

He was strong, confident and in complete control over his quirk, while you were somewhat shy, self conscious and didn't really have much control over a simple quirk like water manipulation.

"Dont say that about yourself (Y/N), your amazing, don't put yourself down just because of someone else's skills." Momo says as she walks over and pats your back.

"Yeah, you can have any guy in the world if you wanted to!" Mina shouts.

"Thanks guys, that's means alot to me" you say as you stand from your seat. "I'm going to head off to bed now girls, ill see you in the morning, night girls."

"Night (Y/N)" the girls replied as another conversation commenced.

You walked up to your room and got ready for bed before hopping into bed. A thought crossed your mind, was there a way that Bakugou might actually like you. The thought was quickly washed away. Of course there wasn't, he was to worried about being a hero he wouldn't have time to think if a girlfriend.

With that sleep pulled you under.


The next day wasn't really eventful, more classes and decorating. However there was one moment during lunch. The girls practically swarmed you at lunch with a plan to get you with a certain someone.

"Alright girls meeting time" Mina practically yelled at the table.

"Ashido keep your voice down" you quickly whispered to her. Not wanting attention drawn to you.

"Alright, we were up last night trying to figure out a plan to get you two together, and we decided that we have to lure him first. Maybe a few letters, small gifts that kinda thing" Mina explains.

"How is that gonna help me" you ask.

"It will make Bakugou's feelings for you grow" Uraraka says. You sigh.

"Is this really gonna work"

"Yep, 100%"

"Fine. I'll do it"

"Yay" the girls squealed. You sigh but smile

What you didn't know what that Bakugou was watching from the other side of the hall, and that he shared the same feelings as you.


Over the next couple of days you send various letters and gifts to the blonde in hopes of getting some sort of reaction, but none were successful in the slightest. Finally it was the day. Valentine's day. You were nervous as hell. The plan was that if the gifts failed was that you were going to asking him out plain and simple. This alone scared you.

"Ive gotten Kirishima to get Bakugou to the classroom (Y/N), it's all up to you now" Mina says with a smirk like the Cheshire cat. Bitch!.

Butterflies filled your stomach, thoughts of reject hung over your head. How embarrassing it would be.

You arrive at the door and there he was, staring out the window. You took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Hey B-Bakugou." You stammered, Jesus Christ. He turned.

"Go figure you were the one. Wanting me to come here" he said and you went still.

"What do you mean."

"Its a bit obvious don't you think, I can't think of anyone else that it could be" anger slowly started building up within you.

"Well at least I had the balls to do it ok" you say back. Not wanting to be trampled on. Bakugou just ignored you. That's was it. All the frustration you felt over the past week burst open.

"I've finally gotten the confidence to ask the person I like out and you cant even acknowledge me. Well you know what Bakugou, screw you." You that you ran out of the classroom tears falling down your face. Ignoring the cries of your name.

You decided to go to the roof, where it was quiet and alone so you could clear your head. However as you were running up the stairs your foot slipped and your knee collided with the corner of the step. Leaving a massive cut to your knee.

The pain didn't kick in immediately thanks to the adrenaline. But it soon appears. And did it hurt. Tears sprung to your eyes as blood poured down your leg. You whimper in pain.

"(Y/N)" a voice called as you look up to see bakugou there, who is staring at your injured knee. "What the hell happened" he says kneeling next to you and inspecting your knee carefully.

"I slipped while I was running and hit my knee on the stairs," you whimper.

"It looks bad. We need to get you to Recovery Girl" he states back

"Why, it's not like you care anyway"

"Of course I care, I love you" for a second you both paused.

"You love me" you say. Shocked.

"Yes I love you, actually let me prove it to you." He says before your lips collided.

Shock filled your up. This was actually happening, your crush likes you back.

"Now, let's get you to Recovery Girl, I can't stand to see you hurt" Bakugou says had he pulls you into his arms and walks back down the stairs

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