Lost Part 5 (Class 1A x Reader)

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Guys I am so sorry for not posting a chapter in soooo long. I've stuck with this chapter so a while with what to write. This series is almost finished so if you guys have any suggestions for what you think might happen leave a comment and keep reading to find out. Hope you guys enjoy and see you all in the next chapter.

You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting to be bitten when.


"DIE YOU STUPID ANIMAL" Bakugou screams as his explosive fist lands on the wolf. It wails and backs away but it wasnt long before a pack of wolves started surrounded the group. With all the strength you could muster you sit yourself up dispite the pain it caused so you werent so vulnerable.

"Guys" you say in a scared tone. There wasn't much you could do to defend yourself. With stomach stitches and a broken leg any type of mobility was gone.

"Dont worry (Y/N), we'll protect you." Izuku says.

"Im not letting a single one of these creatures hurt you alright, so stay where you are. You'll be safe" Bakugou stands in front of you protectively.

"Icy hot, as soon as there's enough clearing make a barrier around the whole camp so they can't get in. We need to keep (Y/N) safe at all times. YOU GOT THAT" Bakugou screams.

"Alright" Todoroki replies back. The group than made a human barrier to protect you from any danger.

"We can't let anything get near (Y/N) are we clear. She is our top priority right now" Izuku says.

The wolves start attacking again and this time everyone was prepared. The heavy hitters like Kirishima, Todoroki, Bakugou and Izuku were the one fighting off the wolves while Uraraka lifted you up and away from danger. As soon as the wolves were away Todoroki shielded the camp in a wall of ice. Making it inpenitable

"Alright your clear now Uraraka" Kirishima yelled from the ground.

"Alright, just get ready to catch us when we fall" she cried back nervously. We were a good 30 metres above the ground. Anxiety started to fill your gut.

"Uraraka isn't there another way for us to be lowered down without having to drop 20 metres to do it" you ask and she shakes her head.

"Sorry (Y/N) someone's just gonna have to catch you." You take a somewhat deep breathe so you wouldn't agitate your sticthes and nod to your best friend.

"RELEASE" The word yelled so that your companions could hear it, you scream as you plumet to the ground. Loud explosions were heard followed by a wizzing noise as Izuku caught Uraraka and you landed safely in the strong arms of the ash blonde. You wince slightly as your leg jarred but as you arrive back at the ground Bakugou was gentle in landing before walking you over to your original spot.

"Thanks Bakugou, for protecting and catching me"

"Tch whatever, someone's gotta protect you"  he says as he cheeks turn slightly red.

Your eyes start to drift shut as sleep was taking over again. You were almost asleep when you heard a shuffling noise before your head was raised slightly before being lowered into Bakugou's lap.

"Get some rest (Y/N), you need it" he whispers. Sleep finally taking over.

Bakugou's pov

She finally looked at peace, sleeping so calming despite being injured like she was. (Y/N) obviously needed it. I stroke the hair out of her dirt ridden face.

She looked so fragile, so easy to break. I was going to get her home if it was the last thing I did.

"Gotten a bit protective haven't you Bakubro" Kirishima asks mockingly.

"SHUT IT SHITTY. . ." I stop my screaming as (Y/N) shifts in my lap. I pause.

"Be quiet shitty hair. I say as a blush appeares on my face.

"I think its cute" Uraraka comments.

I growl in response.

"Look what the others are trying to say Bakugou is that you've been really looking after (Y/N) alot and we're all greatful." Momo says looking down at the sleeping girl.

"Yeah whatever, I just dont want to be carrying a classmates body home. She has a family she needs to get home to as well"

With that the conversation ended with everyone deciding to retire for the night. I just hoped that we got (Y/N) home soon so her injuries could be treated.

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