The Villain With A Soft Spot (Dabi x Villain Reader)

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This is a request from XxFruityPebbles151xX. Hope you enjoy.

You had been a villain for many years now. It wasn't the best life but it worked in your favour. You joined the league of villains after their little stunt with UA High at the USJ. Figuring it was a good place to be at the time. Even though it came with some down falls.

For one Shigaraki was a complete and utter asshole with no respect for anyone he deemed to be nothing more than dirt on his shoes. Which was fine. You couldn't have given a fuck about the chapped lipped Manchild. All you were focused on was surviving in this God forsaken world you were forced to live on.

As time went on more people joined. Including a man called Dabi. Jet black hair and a scar riddling body. For some reason he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you. At first this creeped you out but there was something in his eyes that said he understood the pains that led you here.

The more you observed him the more you began to see how he treated people. He didn't give a shit about most people but not to the extend of Shigaraki. However when it came to you the interactions were more gentle.

For example the other day at the base with Shigaraki, who really didn't like you much.


Shigaraki had you by the neck with 4 fingers. You had done something stupid while topside and now the heroes knew your face. Which could compromise the league and this was something a certain childish man couldn't stand.

"Do you know how much of a dangerous situation this puts all of us in. If the heroes see you again and track you here it will mean game over for us. So you can see why I'm a little bit angry right now." He says tightening his grip on your throat. You grab around his hand as your air is slowly cut off.

"Maybe you should let her go Shigaraki, killing her would put the League at a disadvantaged." Kirogiri says.

"But leaving her alive does the same thing so I'm weighing my options"

"Just put her down Shigaraki" Dabi says walking in

"And whys that Dabi"

"Every villain makes mistakes, its wether they get caught is the question, but you all that all to well don't you"

Rage burned in Shigarakis eyes as he dropped you to the ground and storms off. You gasp as air filters your lungs once more. Dabi steps in front of you

"I'm only going to say this once, don't screw up" he says before walking off.

After that you started to appreciate Dabi a little bit more, although your conversations were always kept to a minimum.

It was late one night and you were walking back to base after grabbing some supplies for yourself. You were walking down on of the back streets to avoid the heroes. A presence suddenly makes it way known and you grab your knife out ready. But as you were about to strike the person behind you several more people made themselves known.

You were outnumbered. Thinking it would be a great time to leave you get ready to run but before you could a leg swept under yours. Making you fall to the ground.

A hand then grabbed you a pinned you up against the wall. Your eyes widen at a villain to whom you owed some money for. His gang circled around him.

"Look what we found here, you still own me some money (Y/N). And I want it back, I've given you plenty of time to get it." He says.

"Look, I don't have the money on me but I could go and get it right now" you say.

"I'm not believing that sorry excuse again, it's the same one you pulled last time you little sneak." He says before punching your face, the shock make you a bit dizzy but you had worse, you spat blood in his face.

"Still feisty aye, well then take some of this" a knee landed in your stomach. Then a fist. Then you were dropped to the ground and were kicked my multiple people. The villain pulled your bloody body back and had you up against the wall by the neck, slowly suffocating you.

"Sorry it was to end like this (Y/N), I trusted you for a long time, but your took what you couldn't replace and now your here. Any last words"

"Only that your an overgrown bastard"

"That's fine with me, goodbye"

Suddenly a scared hand was places on the villains shoulder. It was Dabi.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't kill a member of the League of Villains. She's every valuable to us and we would hate to lose her" Dabi says. Tighting his grip.

"Back off pal, she owns me money and if she can't pay she dies"

"Well thats to bad for you" Dabi says before burning the guys shoulder. He drops you and you fall to the ground and start coughing. The instant you were down Dabi had disintegrated the man. Leaving him in dust. You slowly get up.

"I could have handled that myself you know" you say swaying to the side, wiping blood from your nose.

"Sure you could" he replies, you go to move but you sway more and fall forward, right into Dabi's chest. An instant later you were in his arms. A blush formed on your cheek.

"Let's get you cleaned up" he says as he walks back to base, guess he had a heart after all.

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