Now Rest (Kirishima x Sleep Deprived Reader)

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Study and training.

That's what your days were filled with. Going to school during the day, learning and training with the afternoons filled with more training and study. Leaving you with little to no rest for the following day.

You were lucky to get 2 hours of sleep a night. Which when combined with school, training and study wasn't nearly as much as you needed. You didn't care though, if you didn't keep your grades up or your hero abilities didn't improve your parents threaten to pull you out of UA, and that was something you couldn't afford to happen.

You wake up drowsily at 4am, having only gotten to sleep 2 hours ago. Deciding that it was enough you got dressed and went to your desk to study so more. You studied more than usual this week because of a test you had coming up. Your body nagged at you to get more sleep but your brain as doing the opposite, saying you needed to study.

Noise echoed from the halls, telling you that everyone else was waking up for the day. You study some more before gathering your things and head in down to the dining area for food.

You catch yourself in the mirror as you walk by it and you almost couldn't recognize yourself. Your skin was pale, dark black bags hung under your tired eyes. You just sigh before walking out.

Your movements were sluggish but you tried to keep at a steady pace so you didn't attract attention. Everyone seemed to be minding their own business which was good for you. It meant you could study in peace. Grabbing a piece of toast you sat at the table and continued to study.

"Hey (Y/N)" Your red headed boyfriend says walking up to the table.

"Hey Kiri" you reply back, trying to sound cheerful. He stares at you for a second before concern flashes in his eyes.

"Are you alright babe, you seem tired" he ask.

"Yea I'm fine, just a little sleepy that all"

"Alright then, don't work too hard" he says kissing you on the cheek before walking over the Bakugou and Kaminari, leaving you to study in somewhat peace. You only ate half a piece of toast when it was time to leave for school, you quickly pack your things before leaving.


Your body was drained from school and hero training but you still has so much to do. During the afternoon you helped Mina study for the test, you trained through dinner and right up until curfew and once curfew was in place you studied some more until late that night before once again getting 2 hours of sleep.

Soon as you woke up at 4am you immediately get up and get to studying, realising that test was tomorrow. You studied until it was time to leave for school meaning you couldn't have breakfast this morning.

Your muscles ached and your vision was slightly blurred, but you chose to  ignore it. The day went to slow for your liking and the dizziness only worsened. It was only when you were practicing your moves in hero training that your body had enough.

You collapsed. Your body dropping to the floor like a stone. All you could here was distant yelling before darkness consumed you

"(Y/N), please wake up soon. I'm so worried about you."  A voice says distantly.

" I should have kept a better eye on you because if I had none of this would have happened"

"Why couldn't I see you were overworking yourself, what kind of person does that make me"

"What man can't even see his own girlfriend is pushing herself to the point of collapse".  The voice got stronger, a blind in light floods your vision and you blink a few times to clear it.

The first thing you see is the red hair of Kirishima, but it wasn't the sight you wanted to see. Tears stained his eyes and cheeks. His usual up-style hair was down on his face. His eyes widen as his eyes meet your as he stands abruptly to his feet.

"(Y/N), oh thank god your alright" he cries as tears fall down his face again.

"Kiri, what happened" you ask, your voice raspy from lack of use.

"You mean you don't remember. You passed out during training, I managed to catch you before you fell. Recovery Girl says it from lack of rest and over exertion you've been asleep for 2 days. (Y/N) why did you push yourself so much" he said.

"I need to keep up my grades and training otherwise my parents will pull me out of UA, I didn't mean to worry you Kiri" you says as tears begin to fall. Thats when your realised what your boyfriend had said

"Wait! so I missed out on the test I studied so much for" you cried. Kirishima just sighed.

"It was probably for the best (Y/N). Rest now, we can talk more later" he said as you closed. Catching up on some much needed sleep.

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