School Stresses (Izuku x Reader)

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Before I start I would like to say a big thank you to SimpleIsBeautiful13 to helping me with this. Go check out her work. Now let's get on with the story.

You open your eyes with a clear nose and head. Your throat was no longer sore and you weren't overheating. You had been sick over the last week and were bedridden with a fever, meaning that doing anything school related was pushed off the sidelines until you were better.

It was Sunday, meaning that you had the day to catch up on any work you had missed out on ready for class tomorrow. You got out of bed and made your way down to the common room to get something to eat.

Upon entering you see a few people such as Momo, Iida and Izuku all studying notes while eating. While this was unusual for them to be studying while eating you just ignored it and proceeded to make your own food.

After you ate you walked over to Mina and Jirou who were also studying. This caused your anxiety to start playing up, why was everyone studying, was there something coming up that you had missed. Taking a deep breath you continue your approach towards the girls.

"Hey guys" you say sitting next to Mina.

"Hey (Y/N), it's good to see that your not sick anymore. We were starting to get worried." Mina replies.

"So what are you guys doing" you ask

"Studying for the pop quiz Mr Aizawa set for tomorrow" you stiffened.

"What pop quiz" you say anxiously.

"The pop quiz Mr Aizawa set at the start of the we- oh you were sick at the start of the week so you wouldn't have known" Jirou says.

"Do you want to study with us (Y/N), we can help you" Mina asks. You shake your head quickly.

"I'll be f-fine, I'm going to go now"  you quickly leave the girls and race back to your own room. Anxiety taking a hold as you tried to comprehend how you were going to study so much in such little time.

You immediately pulled out your notes and started studying hardcore, you skipped lunch and dinner and as it got dark your anxiety had yet to calm. In fact it had gotten worse. You felt no where near ready to do this tomorrow, papers were scattered all over the floor, tears poured down your face and you were hyperventilating.

"(Y/N)" a voice says. You look up shocked to see the green hair of your crush.

"I-I-Izuku" you whisper, he puts his hands on your shoulders

"(Y/N) you need to calm down, look at me and me only, take a deep breath in, like this" he then processed to take a deep breath and you copy. You do that for a few minutes until your breathing was slowed.

"Thank you Izuku"  you say. Wiping the tears out of your eyes.

"You didn't have to study by yourself and cause this stress. I would have helped you."

"You were studying before I didn't want to disturb you"

"(Y/N) you wouldn't have been disturbing me at all" you were quiet for a few minutes before looking at him again.

"Does that offers still stand" you say. Izuku just smiles.

"Of course it does"

The two of you studied until late at night and by that time you were certain that you would find for the quiz. You walked into class the next day ready for the test when Mr Aizawa pulled you aside telling you he gave you an extension to do the test on a later date because you were sick.

You nod at your teacher. This would give a great opportunity to study with Izuku.

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