Anything for you (Aizawa x Bullied Student Reader.

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This is a request from Blue_Ryuu17 and this is a family thing before people get the wrong idea

You fell to the ground, making dust fly in the air. Well you say fell but rather you were pushed down by your bullies. You didnt think that there would be bullies at a prestigious school like UA, well you guessed wrong.

"Your so weak you can't even stand being pushed into the ground, how pathetic is that" said Jason as he motioned to the rest of his group to agree. "How do you have a quirk as powerful as yours when your a pipsqueak. I don't get it at all. Your never going to become a hero like your father." He said before he walks off. (This is a random name I came up with, it is not associated with anyone).

You sat there for a few moments before gathering you things and leaving for home. Thinking of an excuse to tell your father why you were late and covered in dirt.

You were the smallest person in your class with most people towering over you. You had a pretty powerful quirk that allowed you to mold the ground into anything you needed. That being said you had trouble controlling it still, which was another reason why you were bullied.

Everyone knew you were the daughter of the pro hero EraserHead, which meant most people automatically assumed you'd be a force to recon with. However your size and lack of control with your quirk showed everyone how disappointing you were compared to your father.

You didn't envy your father for being powerful, he trained hard to be where he was today. I mean he taught the famous class 1A back in the day so how could he not be powerful.

You walked down the street and because you were to deep in thought to notice, you ran into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention" you say at the stranger then stop when you see green hair.

"Oh (Y/N), it's alright. I shouldn't have been standing in the walk way." Deku says, a family friend and the current number 1 hero. He looked happy for a spilt moment until he saw your appearance.

"How come your covered in dirt, and shouldn't you be at home already" he asks.

"I was training and I didn't realize the time until a few minutes ago" you lie. It was the best thing you could come up with.

"Oh, alright then, let me take you home then, so I know you get their safely" he says as you being walking.

"Aren't you on patrol though Deku" you ask.

"Yeah I am, just give me a moment to radio Kaccan" the conversation was brief but you heard yelling so you assumes Bakugou wasn't too impressed.

'Tell the nerd I said hi and to stop training so late, it's dangerous. I'll see you back at base Deku'

"Kaccan said hi and to stop training so late because it's dangerous." Deku said as you arrived.

"Cool, tell him I said hi back and thanks for the concern, bye Deku, thanks for walking me home" you say walking to the front door and as you open it your father stands on the other side with his arms crossed. Oh great, you were in trouble now.

"And where have you been young lady and why are you covered in dirt" He asks, a touch of anger in his voice.

"I was training and didn't realize the time, sorry for making you worry dad" he sighs,

"Its fine, just ring me next time your going to be late. And try not to distract my former class, they won't stop until they know your safe you know, even if it means leaving their post to bring you home" your dad says.

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