Keep Me Warm (Bakugou x Reader)

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I loved Katsuki more than anything else in this world. Even though it didn't look like it I knew deep down that he loved and cared for me to.

Sure he had his moments where he was a complete jackass but who doesn't. That being said, Katsuki's pride and anger was sometimes taken to far.


From the moment I saw Katsuki this morning I knew he was in a foul mood. For one he didn't knock on my front door to get me, he just completely walked passed my house and I had to race to catch up with him. Which meant I forgot to grab my scarf seeing that it was mid winter

"Hey babe wait up" I puff out as I run to catch up. He didn't stop or even acknowledge I had just yelled. I manage to catch up to him and as I look to his face I see a dangerous scrowl for this early in the morning.

"What do you want" he asks rudely, not turning to look me in the face. My mouth drops open a bit at the unusual tone he used towards me.

"I want to know what's wrong, what's gotten you in such a bad mood that you don't pick me up, completely ignore me and then proceeds to be rude to me when I haven't done anything. That's what I want" I reply back. Hoping he'll open up and tell me what's wrong.

"If you really must know me and that old hag had an argument this morning and it really pissed me off" he replies. Still rudely mind you.

"Why, what about" I question. He growls angrily.

"If I wanted you to know I would have told you, so but out of my personal business and leave me the hell alone."  He yelled before storming off, leaving me behind and slightly upset. He usually opens up to me when he's upset, why not now.

School was pretty much the same. Katsuku ignored me for most of the day. Not talking or making eye contact with me. It upset me a lot thinking that he didn't even want to talk to me. I didn't get it. Did I do something wrong.

His anger only spiked when hero training came. Midoryia had improved on an aspect in training and this pissed Katsuki right off, he didn't like Midoryia on a normal day, let alone a day where he was ruthlessly pissed off. Midoryia improving on a day like this only caused Katsuki to be more violent. Which was something I wasn't going to let happen.

"YOU DAMN NERD, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TRYING TO SURPASS ME. I'LL KILL YOU" Katsuki yells at Midoryia after class. His hands crackling with sparks.

"K-Kaccan, I dont know what you talking about, I-I'm not trying to surpass you at all, I'm just trying to improve my q-quirk." Midoryia stutters, clearly intimidated by my boyfriends anger.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT DEKU, YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT YOUR DOING AND I'M NOT GOING TO SIT BACK AND LET YOU DO THAT" Katsuki screams, making a move to attack Midoryia. I quickly step in front of him to protect him from a dangerous explosion. Not matter how angry he was, Katsuki would never hit me.

"Stop Katsuki, just because your pissed off about this morning doesn't mean you can go around hurting people, it's not right and its not you." I say, putting my arms out to shield Midoryia.

"Out of my way (Y/N), this nerd need to be taught a lesson.

"Not on your life, where's the real Katsuki Bakugou. Because he would never do this."

"Right here you loud mouth bitch, and if you have a problem with that you can shove it for all I care. All I ever hear from you is complaining and whining. Honestly I dont know why I date you sometimes, all you do is-"


My hand stung as I harshly slapped Katsuki across the face. Successful leaving him speechless and sparing my ears from the rest of his harsh words. Tears flooded my eyes. Why would he say that.

Katsuki looks me in the eyes and his crimson ones soften at the sight of tears in my eyes.

"(Y/N)-" he begins

"Don't" I interrupt. "The Katskui I know and love would never insult me no matter how angry get got, if that's what you really think then fine." I let him see one falling tear before I turn around and sprint away from the boys heartbroken.

I run to the secret training area near mine and Katsuki's house in hopes to calm down. But my emotions were far from leaving.

"KATSUKI YOU IDIOT" I scream, throwing my fist at a tree full force, causing my knuckles to spilt open and pour out with blood. I sit down and lean and against the tree, burying my face into my knees as tears start flowing.

"Your such an asshole" I whisper. Storm clouds rolled over and rain poured down, but I didn't care. I was still so upset from earlier I didn't care that the rain was ice cold. However my body did. And the hours spent in the rain started taking a tole on my body.

I couldn't stop shivering, my fingers and toes were numb, I felt exhausted and my surroundings were starting to confuse me. My brain was so confused that I didnt even realize that  Katsuki was here.

"You idiot, what the hell are you doing  sitting out in the rain, are you trying to catch Hypothermia."

"Katsuki" I say, but it comes out as a slur. I hear Katsuki swear before he pulls me into his arms and runs. I felt so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep the rest of the day away.

"(Y/N) don't you dare close your eyes damn it" he yells, I keep my eyes open long enough to see that he has taken me to his house.

"Katsuki why the hell are you so late home for" I hear Mitsuki yell.

"Shut up you old hag I'm busy right now". Katsuki yells running up the stairs and goes to the bathroom. He sits me in the bathtub and starts filling it with warm water.

"You damn idiot, you almost got hypothermia from sitting in that rain, what were you thinking and what the hell happened to your hand." He asks.

"I was so upset about earlier I punched a tree and sat in the rain" you whisper, feeling the warm water flow around you, you close you eyes. Katsuki was quiet for a while before speaking again.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm so sorry"

"I was angry this morning because my old hag of a mother was saying this morning that I shouldn't be with you because your the opposite of me. Your caring and I'm harsh. But I would do anything to make sure your safe and what I said earlier only hurt you when you were trying to help amd because of me you could have gotta hypothermia. I'm sorry" you open your eyes and grab his hand.

"Apology accepted" you say and he smiles in response.

"Let's get you warmed up and clean those cuts on your knuckles." Katsuki says as he goes to find towels. And what the two of you didn't know was that his mother was there listen to the conversation, smiling and known that the two of You's were perfect for each other.

Another chapter done, what did you guys think? What should I improve on?

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