Christmas Special 2021(Hawks x Reader)

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MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a great new year. This year has been tough but here's hoping everything gets better.

The last couple of months had been very busy for you and Keigo. Him with Hero work and you dealing with crazy Karen's at the shop you worked at. It was the christmas period and everyone was getting the final preparations done.

You had gotten Keigo a beautiful necklace that had a feather design with both your initials engraved in the centre, along with new sunglasses and new jacket . You knew he'd love it. It had been very quiet at home and you couldn't help but feel a bit sad that you had to set up all the decorations by yourself.

You knew it couldn't be helped. Hawks was saving people lives everyday. And that's something you could never get mad at him for. He was always such a selfless person despite his cheeky attitude. But then again that was some you loved about him also.


It was late one afternoon and you were walking home after a long day at work. This lady decided to choose you as her next victim in a spring of insults purely because something she wanted to buy for a gift wasn't in stock. You had tired over and over again explain to this dimwitted person that you couldn't just order one it.

But alas she would not take no for an answer and decided she wanted to talk to someone else. Leaving you exhausted from that one single encounter.

Taking a breath of fresh air you were excited to get home. Hoping that Hawks would be home and that brief lack of attention meant when you were suddenly swooped up from the ground it stunned you quiet a bit. You scream but instinctively clutch onto the thing that grabbed you.

"Woah. Hey now sweetheart. Dont freak out to much, I might drop you" you calmed instantly at the familiar cocky voice.

"KEIGO, give me warning the next time you plan to do that. You scared the shit out of me I thought I was getting kidnapped or something" you yell at him. You settle in his arms more but don't let you grip go for a second. You'd never really liked heights.

"Oh come on (Y/N), I was only trying to be a good boyfriend and take my lady home with me. Or would you've have liked to walk 5 blocks home after work" Keigo exaggerated, making a pouting face.

"Thats not the point and you know it. You really scared me" you pout back as well. Keigo sighed

"Your right. I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to scare you" you smile back.

"Apology excepted" you kiss his cheek. "So what's the deal with work." You ask him. Causing him to sigh again.

"Im working until late Christmas eve. I put in a form for leave for Christmas day and I'll see if I am allowed anymore. Its been very busy" he explains. You lay your head on his shoulder as you being to desend down until Hawks gracefully lands on your shared front porch.

"Lets head inside. Ill make your favourite." You say skipping off into the house.

"Your to good for me (Y/N)"


The next couple of days went the same. You both went to work, came home, ate, slept and repeat. And then christmas finally arrived. You woke up for the first time in forever with wings shielding you protectively. You turn over and snuggle into the chest of Keigo as he beings to stur.

"Morning babe, and merry Christmas" you smiled tiredly

"Same goes to you sweetheart" Keigo says as he unwrapped his wings from you and replaced them with his arms.

"I should start getting lunch ready. Its gonna take a while." You say as you begin to get up. Only to be dragged back down.

"No stay. We don't get to cuddle much like this. We can do that later. I'll even help ok" He whines. You shake your head and go back to sleep.

You both get up and begin to prepare lunch and after thats done you go to the tree and hand out presents.

"Here Keigo. This is for you" Keigo was quick to unwrap the present and smiled at the result.

"I love it babe. Thank you. Here's yours" he hands you a small box and as you unwrap it tears of joy fill your eyes. It was custom photo frame with the two of you along with a necklace with a picture of you both in it.

"Awww Keigo I love it. Thank you so much" you jump into his arms for a hug.

"Anything for you sweetheart"

The days events went by pretty normal. After that. You both had lunch and watched Christmas movies until the sun had set.

"Keigo. Why don't we go looking at the Christmas lights." You ask as the grinch finished.

"You know that doesn't sound like bad idea. Grab a coat well go as soon as your ready."

It didn't take long for you to get ready and soon you were with a very tight grip mind you flying through the air with your Boyfriend. His arms protectively cradling you as the wind rushing past you and you cling to him the higher you go. However this didn't seem to faze you once you reached the city.

Thousands of multicoloured lights lit up the city and gave it a sense of awe you could never describe. It looked beautiful.

"This is what I see most days. Maybe once that little fear of yours is conquered we can do this more often" Keigo taunts as you sore over the buildings.

"Maybe" you reply. To busy staring at the lights to notice. Suddenly Keigo changed direction and its not long before your on top of a signal tower. Keigo sets you down and moves away

"KEIGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING. DONT WALK AWAY" You scream as you bear grip his jacket. He chuckles

"Would you look at the view and not in my jacket. I promise its worth it." As you slowly move your head your eyes widen. This spot had an amazing view of the entire city. From here

"Merry Christmas (Y/N). I love you" you lean into him

"I love you to Keigo Takami"

There's another chapter for you guys nice and festive for you all. Hope you all have a great holiday and a new year. From your fave author

Lol jk probs not😁

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