Its OK To Be Afraid (Aizawa x Student Reader)

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A/n: Ok before I start this isn't a love oneshot, it's purely just Aizawa taking a parental caring role.

Requested by SimpleIsBeautiful13

As long as you could remember, you had been terrified of hospitals and anything medical. When you were 7 and had broken your arm after falling out a tree, they had to operate and you passed out from being scared of a needle.

Now you did everything in your power to keep yourself from being injured. In training you made sure to go defensive instead of offensive. In school in general you were always extra cautious encase something dangerous was nearby.

But nothing could have prepared you for this particular training session.

Everything had started normal. Mr Aizawa explaining the activity and the rules. It was meant to be a simple task of using our quirks to navigate a maze of buildings. You were in a group with Deku, Bakugou and Mina.

Well as per usual Bakugou tried to hurt poor Deku to which he uses his quirk, it impacted on the somewhat unstable looking building, causing it to crumble and collapse. In a desperate attempt to save your friends from death you used your quirk to push the three of them out of harms way. You then ran and jumped out of the debris field, however you landed harshly on your arm with a sickening crack. Pain erupted into your arm.

Fear instantly settled into your stomach as you realised what this meant. Bakugou and Deku came up to you as Mina ran to get Mr Aizawa. The pair came back minutes later.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" Mr Aizawa practically yelled as he surveyed the situation. Deku eyes him nervously.

"Well, Kaccan and I had a fight and his explosion hit the building and it collapsed and (Y/N) injured there selves saving us." Deku replies. After a firm scolding from the Pro Hero, the boys left as Mr Aizawa took you to the Infirmary for treatment.

The nerves were building higher the closer you got to school. Aizawa had used part of his scarf to support your arm. You tried to stop yourself from shaking so Mr Aizawa didn't get suspicious but it didnt go well. He kept looking at you with sincerity in his eyes but said nothing.

You sucked your breath as you realize you had arrived at the infirmary. You bit your lip to keep it from trembling. Mr Aizawa gently unwrapped your arm from his scarf.

The Recovery Girl inspected your arm but had a look of annoyance on her face.

"The fall caused some major damage to your arm that my quirk can't fix alone. I'll have to operate. Those boys. Always making my life difficult." She said. Getting ready for the surgery.

Panic rose up steadily by the second. You couldn't. You didn't want the surgery. The makings of a panic attack started encasing your body. Mr Aizawa seemed to notice your some what panicked breathing and told Recovery Girl to leave the room for a few minutes.

"(Y/N), what's wrong, why are you panicking"  he spoke softly. Tears started dripping down your eyes. You couldn't tell him that you were scared. " (Y/N). I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong"

"I-I-I" you paused, looking into caring eyes that weren't usually featured in the Pros personality. You looked back down and continued.

"I-Im scared of medical procedures, I have been since I was a kid, that's why I don't want the surgery"

"(Y/N), I promise everything will be alright. How about this would it make you feel better if I stayed" it took a few minutes before you responded, but you nodded your head.

Every thing was a blur after that, Recovery Girl fixed your arm and when you woke up Mr Aizawa was there. As he promised.

"Everyone is afraid of something (Y/N). It's nothing to be ashamed off. It's ok to be afraid".

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