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Guys seriously no fricking way this book just got 10k reads. That's absolutely ridiculous. This had literally gotten me so shocked right now. Thank you guys so much I can't describe in words how much this means to me. You guys give me the motivation to write and without you the book would have stopped agers ago. So thank you all so much and now enjoy the new chapter.

I sigh in boredom as I lay on my bed in the dorms. It was Mr Aizawa's Birthday soon and all of the had to come up with an ides for his birthday.   To which I had no frickin clue.

Everyone else already had cool ideas, including Bakugou. Momo wanted to make a surprise party, some people were putting on a performance to cheer him up and even Bakugou suggested that we all go out for dinner to celebrate.

I groan in annoyance, why was this so hard. A knock on the door sounded, dragging me out of my delema.

"Come in" I say. The door opens to reveal Jirou and Momo.

"Hey (Y/N), any luck thinking about what to do." Momo asks politely.

"Not a single idea in the slightest." I reply.

"We still haven't decided what to do yet so you can still come up with something" Jirou says sitting down next to me.

"I doubt mine will be any good anyway." I sigh.

"You don't know that (Y/N), for all you know it could be an excellent idea for Mr Aizawa's birthday." Momo interjects.

After that the girls started rattling on ideas on what would be great to do. I just sat there listening until an idea of my own popped up finally.

"What about we have a small gathering in the common room with just our class and present Mr Aizawa a video of all of us showing our appreciation for him along with a class photo"

The girls were silent for a moment.

"Yea I know, it was a shit idea so don't bother with i-"

"(Y/N) that's an amazing idea!" The girls shout.

"You think so" I ask confused.

"I just messaged the class and there all for it. It's decided then, we will have a small party with a video and class photo for Mr Aizawa" Momo says confidently.

"That was a great idea (Y/N)" Jirou says as her and Momo leave my room to get started.


"Ok everyone we need to be quiet, they will be here any minute" Iida says.

"Shut it foureyes we know" Bakugou yelled.

"Guys can we not fight for one-" I say

"SSSHHHH there here"

The whole class goes silent at Momo walks up to the door with Mr Aizawa. We heard mumbling and as the door opened we all jumped out and yelled.

"SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR AIZAWA" his eyes were a little bit shocked to say the least.

"While I am a little shock at the effort you guys put in, I was already aware you guys were throwing a party for me, Kaminari need to learn to be more quiet next time" he says as we remember that moment.


Class had just finished for the day and we were all getting ready to organize the party. Some people gathered at the back of the class to talk to Momo about details and as she was doing that Kaminari was talking to Sero and Kirishima about it.

"Oh man I'm so pumped Mr Aizawa is gonna me stoked about his par-" he was quickly shut up by the boys and myself. We all turned to see if Mr Aizawa had heard anything but he was packing papers so we presumed he didn't.

"Dude you idiot, you almost ruined it" Sero whispered

"I know I'm sorry, I didn't realize he was still here" he replied.

After that we all thought it was still a secret. Well we were wrong I guess


We all death stare Kaminari.

"What! I said I was sorry" he defended.

We all sigh before getting the festivities under way. The food, including the cake Sato made was gone quickly as everyone was excited for the next part. With the TV write plunged in the USB with the video and we played the video.

"Mr Aizawa, you have done so much for us, so we decided to make something to thank you for everything you've done."

This was something the shocked out teacher.

"Thank you for protecting us at both the USJ and the training camp, without you I don't know what we would have done" Kirishima says with Bakusquad beside him.

"Thank you for letting me defeat you at the practical exam to gain my confidence back, and yes, Recovery Girl told me" Momo said.

"Thank you for always guiding us along the path to be heroes, because with out you we would not have a chance to become heroes" Midoryia along with this group says

"But most importantly thank you for being our teacher and putting up with all the bullshit we do. So thank you Mr Aizawa for being the greatest teacher of all time."  I say.

The video ends and we are all shocked to see our teacher will tears in his eyes, I walk up to him with a photo of the whole class and give it to him. He looks at it and smiles

"Thank you, My class"

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